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rec.pets: Sugar Glider FAQ (2/4) - Breeding, Health Care, and Other Information
Section - (6.2) Overview of the birthing process

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Top Document: rec.pets: Sugar Glider FAQ (2/4) - Breeding, Health Care, and Other Information
Previous Document: (6.1) Are Sugar Gliders difficult to breed?
Next Document: (6.3) How do I feed the newborns?
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Most Sugar Gliders will begin breeding somewhere between
7 months to a year, with some waiting until they are 13 to 14
months old. They will mate year round, provided they have enough
protein. They usually have 2 babies at a time, 4 to 6 babies
a year, if weanlings are removed after independent. The gestation
period is short -- about 16 days. Once birthed they are carried
in the maternal pouch for 2.5 to 3 months. The male may remain
with the female throughout the entire birthing process, but it
is best to simply leave the mother alone during this period.

When they are out of the pouch, covered with fur, have their eyes
open and have been eating solid food for 3-4 weeks they are 3/4
grown, independent and ready to ween. At this time, they can be
gently handled for short periods of time. Just be sure that they
are getting plenty of fruit & protein and are handled gently. Be
sure not to remove them from the pouch before this time because
once they are removed from the nipple, they cannot reattach
themselves. When they are weaned, they should be gently handled
frequently and gently, if they are to be pets.

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Top Document: rec.pets: Sugar Glider FAQ (2/4) - Breeding, Health Care, and Other Information
Previous Document: (6.1) Are Sugar Gliders difficult to breed?
Next Document: (6.3) How do I feed the newborns?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM