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Sugar Glider FAQ (3/4) - Care & Maintenance
Section - (4.3) Foods that Sugar Gliders will eat & are good for them

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Top Document: Sugar Glider FAQ (3/4) - Care & Maintenance
Previous Document: (4.2) Why are fresh fruits and vegetable so important?
Next Document: (4.4) What are good treats for Sugar Gliders?
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Here is a list of foods I have found to be popular with gliders and
good for them, too:

pineapple, peaches, apples, pears, strawberries, cantaloupe,
honeydew, melons, grapes, papaya, apricots, oranges, corn,
sweet potatoes, squash, fruit juices, blueberries, dried fruit,
fruit jams, assorted baby foods, low-fat deli turkey and ham,
peanuts, raisins, carrots, mealworms, pumpkin seeds, sunflower
seeds, dried peas, almonds.

Here is a diet of the Squirrel glider used by Taronga Zoo in Sydney,
Australia. Thanks goes out here to Ruth Grove. The diet for the Sugar
glider is the same except having smaller quantities. Half of each
will probably do Ok. check and see.

Apple 3g
Banana/Corn 3g
Dog Kibble 1.5g
Fly pupae 1 teaspoon
Grapes/Kiwi fruit 3g
Hard Boiled Egg 10g
Leadbeaters Mix 2 teaspoons (details of mix below)
Orange (incl. skin) 4g
Pear 2g
Rockmelon/Paw Paw 2g
Sweet potato 3g
Day Old chick Wednesdays.
Larger insects when available eg. mealworms.

Leadbeaters Mix
Warm Water 450ml
Honey 450ml
Shelled boiled eggs 3
High-Protein baby cerial 75g
Sustage (Voitamin supplement) 3 teaspoons

Add warm water to container, slowly add the honey and mix in.
Blend eggs (no shells) until mushy.
Add 1/2 honey/water mix to the blended eggs, blend.
Add the remainder of honey/water mix, blend.
Add sustagen and half the baby cerial, blend
Add the remaining baby cereal
Blend for 1.5 minutes to make mixture lump free.

This zoo diet is perfect, and should be followed as closely
as possible.

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Top Document: Sugar Glider FAQ (3/4) - Care & Maintenance
Previous Document: (4.2) Why are fresh fruits and vegetable so important?
Next Document: (4.4) What are good treats for Sugar Gliders?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM