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Sugar Glider FAQ (3/4) - Care & Maintenance
Section - (3.3) What do Sugar Gliders need for sleeping/shelter?

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Top Document: Sugar Glider FAQ (3/4) - Care & Maintenance
Previous Document: (3.2) What do Sugar Gliders need to climb/play on?
Next Document: (3.4) What type of bedding is best for Sugar Gliders?
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Another requirement is a nest box to sleep in during the day.
They will all sleep together in one box, so only one is needed.
The main thing is to make sure they can get away from the light
during the day. You should NEVER have your gliders out in direct
sun, in that it is very harmful to their eyes (not to mention
interrupting their sleep schedule). In the wild, they sleep in
tree hollows in groups during the day. The best thing to fit
this need is a bird nesting box. My gliders are very comfortable
in a common finch nesting box found in any pet store, where I
have placed 2-3 unscented tissues for pillows/blankets.

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Top Document: Sugar Glider FAQ (3/4) - Care & Maintenance
Previous Document: (3.2) What do Sugar Gliders need to climb/play on?
Next Document: (3.4) What type of bedding is best for Sugar Gliders?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM