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Sugar Glider FAQ (2/4) - Introduction
Section - (1.1) What is a Sugar Glider, anyway?

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Top Document: Sugar Glider FAQ (2/4) - Introduction
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Sugar Gliders (petarurus breviceps) are small, arboreal marsupials 
which originate from New Guinea and Southern Australia.  As their 
common name entails, they possess a gliding membrane (similar to 
that of the flying squirrel¹s) that stretches from their wrists to their 
ankles and allows them to Œglide¹ from tree to tree.  As with all marsupials, 
female sugar gliders also possess a pouch, in which they raise their young.  
Sugar gliders are nocturnal animals which spend almost their entire live in 
trees.  In the wild, they live in colonies of between 6-10 gliders and spend
much of their time foraging for food.

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Top Document: Sugar Glider FAQ (2/4) - Introduction
Previous Document: TABLE OF CONTENTS
Next Document: (1.2) Do Sugar Gliders make good pets?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM