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Ferret FAQ [3/5] - Training and Behavior
Section - (8.2) Can I teach my ferret tricks? How?

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Top Document: Ferret FAQ [3/5] - Training and Behavior
Previous Document: (8.1) What games do ferrets like to play?
Next Document: (8.3) My ferret trembles a lot. Is that normal?
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Yes, ferrets are plenty smart enough to learn to sit up, turn around,
roll over, stay on your shoulders or in a hood, and perhaps even walk
on a leash.  To train your ferret to stay on your shoulders, for
instance, stand over a pile or basket of crumpled newspaper, and when
she falls into it, shout, "No!"  The combination of the fall, the
noise, and your shout should persuade her to pay more attention to
staying on.  Give her a treat when she does, and she should learn
The trick to all of these is getting your pet's attention while you
teach her.  Don't try teaching tricks, or even trying to get a ferret
to perform, in an unexplored area -- it's nearly futile.

Unlike dogs, ferrets generally won't do a trick for the sheer joy of
it, or simply to please you.  Usually there must be some kind of
reward expected [6.3], though that could be anything from a lick of
Ferretone to a bite of apple to a good head-scratching.

One very good trick to teach your ferret is to come when you make a
particular noise (for instance, whistle loudly) or squeak a particular
toy.  Just make the noise each time you give the ferret a treat for a
while, then make it when your ferret isn't nearby and give the treat
as a reward when he comes to you.  Ferrets often won't respond to their
names, and it's enormously helpful to have a way to call your pet when
he has escaped or is lost somewhere.

User Contributions:

Sep 6, 2023 @ 7:19 pm
Is there a way I can get certification that my ferrets are descented?

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Ferret FAQ [3/5] - Training and Behavior
Previous Document: (8.1) What games do ferrets like to play?
Next Document: (8.3) My ferret trembles a lot. Is that normal?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM