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Ferret FAQ [2/5] - Ferret Care
Section - (4.4) Where can I get a pet ferret? What should I look for?

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Top Document: Ferret FAQ [2/5] - Ferret Care
Previous Document: (4.3) How many should I get? All at once, or one at a time?
Next Document: (4.5) What are these little blue dots on my ferret's ear? What's the deal with Marshall Farms?
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Many pet stores have ferrets, and there are often ads in the newspaper
placed by small breeders [1.2] with kits to sell or people who want to
sell older ferrets.

A ferret from a ferret shelter is also an excellent choice [1.2].
They're often a little older than kits from a pet store, but they've
probably already been litter- and nip-trained, and the shelter
director will know more about their individual habits and
personalities.  It's also less expensive to adopt from a shelter, and
of course you're giving a home to a ferret in need.  A local ferret
club or a veterinarian who treats a lot of ferrets may be able to help
you find a nearby shelter.

In any case, look for bright, clear eyes, healthy skin and whiskers,
soft coat, and a curious, alert attitude.  You can't tell just how a
kit's colorings will turn out, but if you watch and handle a group for
a while you can tell a surprising amount about their personalities.
Young kits will generally be pretty sleepy and uncoordinated, but
they'll grow out of that soon enough.

User Contributions:

Sep 6, 2023 @ 7:19 pm
Is there a way I can get certification that my ferrets are descented?

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Top Document: Ferret FAQ [2/5] - Ferret Care
Previous Document: (4.3) How many should I get? All at once, or one at a time?
Next Document: (4.5) What are these little blue dots on my ferret's ear? What's the deal with Marshall Farms?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM