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Ferret FAQ [1/5] - About Ferrets and This FAQ
Section - (3.11) How can I help the ferret community?

( Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Single Page )
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Top Document: Ferret FAQ [1/5] - About Ferrets and This FAQ
Previous Document: (3.10) What do you call a ferret male/female/baby/group?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
There are lots of ways you can help the ferret community at large.  If
your ferrets are very trustworthy and have had their vaccinations,
[9.2] take them with you to the park or pet store and show people what
wonderful pets they are, to counteract all the false rumors.  (Be very
careful, though: if your ferret should nip or scratch someone, even by
accident, some states will kill him for rabies testing, even if he's
been vaccinated.  You may want to only let people pet his back.)  Give
good ferret information, perhaps a copy of this general FAQ and the
Medical FAQs [1.1], to your vet.

Adopt, foster, or sponsor a ferret from a local shelter, or donate old
towels, shirts, food, litter, cages, money, or time.  Many shelters
could use help with construction projects, computer setup and use,
recordkeeping, etc., as well as day-to-day ferret care, cage cleaning,
and trips to the vet.  (However, shelter directors are very busy
people, and may have established routines they'd rather not have
disrupted, so don't be offended if your offer of help is refused.  Ask
if there's something else you could do instead.)  To find a shelter
near you, see the STAR*Ferrets list of clubs, shelters, etc. [1.2]
or contact a local ferret club.

Participate in the "Support Our Shelters" coupon book program, in
which you send $25 and receive a book of grocery store coupons of YOUR
choice worth at least $200.  More information is available by sending
the command
in the body of email to <>.

== End of Part 1 ==

- Pamela Greene
Ferret Central:
Clan Lord (online game) FAQ:
This sentence would be seven words long if it were six words shorter.

User Contributions:

Sep 6, 2023 @ 7:19 pm
Is there a way I can get certification that my ferrets are descented?

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Ferret FAQ [1/5] - About Ferrets and This FAQ
Previous Document: (3.10) What do you call a ferret male/female/baby/group?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Single Page

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Pamela Greene)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM