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Ferret FAQ [1/5] - About Ferrets and This FAQ
Section - (3.6) How much do ferrets cost?

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Top Document: Ferret FAQ [1/5] - About Ferrets and This FAQ
Previous Document: (3.5) How long do ferrets live?
Next Document: (3.7) Do ferrets smell bad? What can I do about it?
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Prices for ferrets vary widely from place to place, and depending on
where you get the ferret [4.4].  Prices for stores and breeders are
usually in the US $75-$250 range, typically around $100.  Plan on
another $100-$250 for a cage [5.4] and supplies [5.3], plus around $75
for the first batch of vaccinations [9.2].

Of course, there are also regular costs of caring for the ferret.
They don't eat much, so food and litter aren't a huge expense, but
there are also treats [6.3] and hairball remedies, plus the annual
checkups [9.4] and vaccinations [9.2].  In addition, though it might
not happen, you should be prepared to pay for at least one $300 vet
visit in each ferret's 6- to 10-year lifetime, from his getting sick,
being in an accident, or eating something he shouldn't [11.1].

User Contributions:

Sep 6, 2023 @ 7:19 pm
Is there a way I can get certification that my ferrets are descented?

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Top Document: Ferret FAQ [1/5] - About Ferrets and This FAQ
Previous Document: (3.5) How long do ferrets live?
Next Document: (3.7) Do ferrets smell bad? What can I do about it?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM