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[comp.lang.perl.moderated] Welcome - read this first!
Section - 5. What about crossposting to other moderated groups?

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Top Document: [comp.lang.perl.moderated] Welcome - read this first!
Previous Document: 4. How do I post to clpmod?
Next Document: 6. Will I receive a rejection notice if my submission is rejected?
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Crossposting to multiple moderated newsgroups is a headache for everyone
involved.  From posters' perspective, posting to multiple moderated
newsgroups requires at least one more fascist to declare a fiat and,
hence, delays the injection of their posts into Usenet.  From moderators'
perspective, it's an administrative hassle because the moderators of all
moderated groups in the Newsgroups: header must approve each article,
so moderators must shuffle paperwork among themselves for a while before
the article will appear in the newsgroups.  (This is why most moderated
groups automatically reject articles crossposted to multiple moderated

Before crossposting to clpmod and another moderated newsgroup, please
consider whether it's worth all the headaches and delays.  The moderator
of comp.lang.perl.announce, for instance, has indicated that he'll rarely
approve an article crossposted to clpmod and comp.lang.perl.announce.
If you feel that your article absolutely must appear in multiple
moderated groups, please trim the Followup-To: header so that followups
will appear in at most one moderated group.

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Top Document: [comp.lang.perl.moderated] Welcome - read this first!
Previous Document: 4. How do I post to clpmod?
Next Document: 6. Will I receive a rejection notice if my submission is rejected?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM