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[comp.lang.perl.moderated] Welcome - read this first!
Section - 3. Are there any resources I should consult before posting?

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Top Document: [comp.lang.perl.moderated] Welcome - read this first!
Previous Document: 2. What topics are appropriate for clpmod?
Next Document: 4. How do I post to clpmod?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge

Yes.  Thanks to the hard work of many, a myriad of excellent information
about Perl is available free of charge!

Consider this list compiled by Nathan Torkington <>:

1. comp.lang.perl.moderated is for questions on the Perl language.  If
   you're interested in reading the group's charter, please go to


   Don't forget that there is also an unmoderated group for discussion
   of the Perl language, comp.lang.perl.misc, for topics that do not
   fall within the bounds of clpmod's charter.

   Try comp.infosystems.www.authoring.cgi for questions on the CGI part
   of CGI scripts.  The two leading blocks of reusable code for CGI
   purposes are, at



   and, at


   You might also want to check out libwww-perl at



2. Are you using the following?

        #!/usr/bin/perl -w
        use diagnostics;
        use strict;

   "-w" turns on all sorts of warnings about probable errors (see the
   perldiag manpage), "use diagnostics" causes the "-w" warnings to be
   explained in greater detail (with the explanations from the perldiag
   manpage), and "use strict" generates compile and run-time errors for
   certain unsafe variable, reference and subroutine constructs (see the
   strict manpage)

3. Have you read the Perl FAQ?  Many questions on sockets programming,
   an important and common problem with Solaris, text manipulation and
   the jargon of perl are answered in the FAQ.  As well as being posted
   regularly to comp.lang.perl.misc, the FAQ is on the web at:

4. Have you read the man pages?  Here are some subjects and the man
   pages to look in:

        Objects         perltoot, perlref, perlmod, perlobj, perltie
        Data Structures perlreftut, perlref, perllol, perldsc
        Modules         perlmod, perlsub, perlmodlib
        Regexps         perlre, perlfunc, perlop
                        (not a man-page but still useful)
        Moving to perl5 perltrap, perl
        Linking w/C     perlxstut, perlxs, perlcall, perlguts, perlembed

   The man page for "perltoc" provides a crude table of contents for the
   perl man page set.

5. Have you tried archives of Usenet?  Google Groups, available on
   the web at <URL:>, offers an archive of
   postings to Usenet that reaches further back than Larry Wall's
   initial public release of Perl in December 1987.

   Be sure to include "Perl" in your search.

6. Are you checking the return values from the functions built in to
   perl?  Most of the file and system functions set $! and have return
   values that you can test thus:

        open(PASSWD, "</etc/passwd") or
            die "error opening /etc/passwd: $!\n";

   $! will contain an error message that will give you more information
   on where your program is going wrong.  The perlfunc man page will
   give you more information on the return values from functions.

7. Have you looked at <URL:>?  This is a great
   online reference, with documentation, pointers to modules in the
   Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN), articles on the inner
   workings of many bits of Perl, and more.

7.5. Have you checked to see if a Perl module satisfies your needs?
   Many reusable modules are available for immediate download and use.
   See <URL:> for details.

8. The latest version of the "Camel Book" ("Programming Perl"),
   updated for version 5.6, is available from your bookstore or from

   Another excellent dead tree resource is the first and only periodical
   devoted to Perl, The Perl Journal.  In fact, several moderators have
   even contributed to TPJ.  Find it on the web at


   Check out (free!) example code from past issues at


9. To find the source code for the latest releases of all supported
   branches of Perl, visit


   (Look in <URL:> for a list of FTP-based

10. Remember, USENET newsgroups are based on the idea of mutual aid.
   USENET only works if we put as much into it as we get out of it.
   Good luck with your Perl work.

User Contributions:

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Top Document: [comp.lang.perl.moderated] Welcome - read this first!
Previous Document: 2. What topics are appropriate for clpmod?
Next Document: 4. How do I post to clpmod?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM