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Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 1.2.2 Mailing List

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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
To receive the lastest info on the aero mailing list, please send mail to with "info aero" as the body of the email message.

You can also access the mailing list as a unsenet newsgroup:

The help returned should look something like (but for the most current
and up-to-date information, request the inforrmation yourself):

>>>> info aero
    Welcome to the AERO mailing list, the mailing list for people
    interested in the Compaq Contura Aero subnotebook computers.

    To send something to the members of the list, mail it
    to "AERO@AISB.ORG".

    To subscribe to the list, unsubscribe from the list, or to
    change your address, send a request to MAJORDOMO@AISB.ORG.
    This is handled by a Majordomo list server.  A message with
    just the word "HELP" in its body will provide instructions on
    how to edit your subscription information.

    (If you sent your subscribe message to AERO@AISB.ORG, it may
    have been redistributed to the whole list.  So please use the
    MAJORDOMO address to request administrative changes.)

    Daily digests are now available.  To get these, subscribe to the
    "AERO-DIGEST" list instead of the "AERO" list.

    There is an archive of the list available upon request.

    Another useful source of Aero info is

    When posting questions or informative messages to the list it is
    often important to indicate what operating system you are using.
    The Aero list includes people running Windows 3.1, Windows 95,
    OS/2, Linux and others.

    Doug DeJulio

Doug DeJuio's  Aero is doing duty as the list server for this list:

Christian Perrier wrote:
> Am I misunderstanding or do you really said that the aero mailing list
> listserver is run on your aero?

Exactly correct.  This has been true for quite a while now (a few years).

> If so, I'd interested in details about your setup...

It's running Debian Linux, and using a LinkSys PCMCIA ethernet card to
connect to a T1.  It's got 12M of RAM and about 500M of disk, and it
just sits in a corner all day providing services.  It provides:
* mailing list server for this list
* web server (
* IMAP/POP and SMTP servers for my friends and family
* user accounts with shell access for my friends and family
* anonymous FTP (some Aero-related stuff) at

Running Linux, the Aero is fully up to the task of providing all those
services, even with just 12M/500M (though sorting and updating a mail
folder with >1500 messages in Pine can be pretty slow).

A little while back I basically destroyed my battery (it only holds a
charge for about 10 minutes now), so it's on AC power.  Also, someone
bumped into it in the machine room, and the battery door cover broke,
and it has since gone missing.  Also, someone bumped into the ethernet
card, and the transciever is now basically only attached with bubble gum
and string.

Doug DeJulio      

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Top Document: Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 1.2.1 Internet
Next Document: Unsubscribing to the mailing list

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Philip Wilk <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM