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Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Section - How do you upgrade?

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Both the online help and the printed docs tell you how to do it. The Aero
can be expanded to 8, 12, or 20 meg of RAM. Going to 20 meg requires a 16
meg module, Compaq doesn't sell one. In any case, third party memory seems
to be a lot cheaper than Compaq memory, and I've seen nothing in the docs
which claims that using 3rd party memory affects the warranty in any way.
Note that there's only space for one memory module. If you buy a 4M module
(for 8M total), and later want to go to 12 or 20 meg, you must replace the
4M module.

[C] Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 10:55:04 -0800
From: "Gerry M."
Subject: Re: Memory port cover

The memory slot cover does not usually break!!! It looks like it's going to
when you try to pry it with a screw driver but it shouldn't. Take your time
and do it slowly. Its supposed to be make from very flexible plastic at
least thats what the Compaq rep told me. I managed to open the slot by
using a wide flat head screw driver and a coin. You twist the screw driver
slowly assisted by the coin. Refer to the diagram below...

                           |               |
                           |               |
          Screw Driver---> || <==          |
            here           |               |
                           |               |

                                Coin Here

[C] Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 11:51:55 -0700
From: Gordy Gale
Subject: Re: Upgrade to Win95 (Addendum)

According to the 3 Compaq Telephone tech guys I spoke with, the System
ROMPAQs that are available, SP1487 (old), SP1992 (latest), are COMPLETE
system flash ROMS. They said that there was no other way to do it. No
such thing as a partial ROM flash, as you are essentially reprogramming
the BIOS, just like on a desktop motherboard. Just to be sure, I asked
the specific question, "Should I run SP1487 first and then run SP1992?"
The tech said "NO, SP1992 is all you need to run as it is the latest

[C] From: Philip Wilk
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 1996 16:24:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: sp1992 warning

See note above. The following is probably incorrect, it must have been due
to something else.

I almost had a cardiac arrest last night. I purchased my 16Mb memory module
and installed it but my aero only recognized 16Mb. So I proceeded to install
sp1992 not noticing that it was a *patch* for sp1487. I was running a 6/94
bios (hey, if its not broke don't fix it). Sp1992 got rather confused,
attempted to install itself and then crashed. When I rebooted, it kept on
getting memory configuration errors. *Moment of panic*. My aero will not
start up. I kept on choosing the save-config option and after a couple times
through of recognizing/not recognizing the 20Mb of memory; it finally
booted. I quickly installed the full ROM upgrade sp1487 and since then have
not had any problems. *whew*

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Previous Document: 2.1.2 Memory (RAM)
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM