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Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Section - PCMCIA modems and Suspend/Resume crashing

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Top Document: Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
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[Q] When I come out of a long standby my pointer freaks out. It jumps around
and clicks on everything. I have to reboot windows. Anybody have similar
problems and a fix? (besides windows sucks)

[A] Don't touch the mouse till your Aero beeps at you that its awake.

[A] I think I may have a fix. I have the Windows power management stuff
installed; exit Windows, run SETUP, and make sure you're using a "DOS Machine
with APM" -- it may need a disk or two from the Windows disks.

      Check the POWER.EXE line in CONFIG.SYS -- I had to add "STD" to the end
     of it to prevent Windows from crashing on resume if I'd used the modem
     before suspending.
      In Windows, go into ControlPanels->Power and set it to "Standard" instead
     of "Advanced" (or turn it Off).
      I seem to have problems with the trackball if PCMSMIX.EXE is loaded, you
     may want to check it out for yourself. I'm not too clear on what it does.
     I had to comment out the PCMSMIX driver from CONFIG.SYS to avoid crashes
     and/or trackball weirdness on resume.

-- ed. note: PCMSMIX.EXE is not needed at all, see discussion elsewhere ...

      Another thing is to make sure the line:
     under the "[windows]" heading. Something took mine out a couple days ago
     -- I think it might have been the Lotus SmartSuite 3.0 install, but I
     can't be sure.
      Also, make sure WINDOWS\SYSTEM.INI is using COMM.DRV=SSCOMM.DRV and not
     COMM.DRV=COMM.DRV (or something else) under the [boot] section --
     Quicklink II changed this when I was trying out the Angia SafeJack PCMCIA

Test by booting the machine with the modem installed, access it somehow, quit
the comm program, suspend, wait a few minutes, and resume. If it didn't work,
your machine should crash -- otherwise you should be fine.

If it still doesn't work, you could try dropping back to the workaround I was
using and will probably go back to: turn off PCMCIA power except when you need
the modem. Put a copy of the PowerManagement&Hibernation icon on the button bar
in TabWorks. Double-click it, hit "." to go to PCMCIA setup, "f" or "n" to turn
power off or on as appropriate, then hit RETURN twice to get out. An
alternative is to eject the modem partially and reinsert it to get the PCMCIA
setup page (if you have "display window" set). Do this to turn it on, use it,
and do this again to turn it off when done.

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Top Document: Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: Problems when Power-up from standby
Next Document: Forcing hibernation

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM