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Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 3.2.1 Tabular Rasa (clean slate)

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Top Document: Compaq Contura Aero Frequently Asked Questions
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Date: Mon, 21 Jul 1997 17:33:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: Dwane Christopher Woodard <>
Subject: Configuring a Vanilla Aero

I recently purchased my Compaq Contura Aero 4/25 (with a docking station) at
a Pawn Shop for under $250 - the caveatte being that I had to load and
install everything without the manufacturers diskettes or instructions.

After countless hours on the phone with tech support attatched is the steps
that I took to get my Aero to work properly. (Properly includes the popup
screen in Windows 3.11 to identify the card and whether or not it has been

NOTE: The following steps are the steps that I took to bring life into me
Aero. There is no guarentee either expressed or implied that these steps
will work for you. In the event that you have to rebuild your Aero, consider
prayer first - it helps.

I.  Create a bootable floppy with from a computer running any DOS
       sys a:
II. Boot off that floppy then copy the system to the hard drive of the Aero
       sys c:
III. Load the DOS 6.22 upgrade disks
IV.  Load SP1743 - Supplimental Programs for DOS
V.   Load SP1045 - Card Services
VI.  Load Windows 3.11
VII. Reload SP1045 - Card Services
        I found that this sequence updates DOS so that certain infromation
is passed along to Windows when performing the installation. The second
installation of SP1045 updates the Windows application.
VIII.Load SP1585 - Supplimental Programs for Windows
IX.  Load SP0891 - Setup for Windows
X.   Edit \windows\system.ini and comment out the following line:
     to look like
        REM device=cpqwdctl.386

You are now good to go!

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Previous Document: 3.2 Configuration
Next Document: 3.2.2 Power-Management

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM