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Nordic FAQ - 6 of 7 - NORWAY
Section - 6.7 Dictionaries and study-material

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Top Document: Nordic FAQ - 6 of 7 - NORWAY
Previous Document: 6.6 Sons of Norway
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   Nynorskorboka (Det Norske Samlaget) and Bokmålsordboka
   (Universitetsforlaget) form the official standard of the the two forms
   of written Norwegian, "nynorsk" and "bokmål".
   Nynorskordboka and Bokmålsordboka are available on the huge web of the
   world at this location: <> This page
   is entirely in Norwegian, though, so a minimal knowledge of Norwegian
   (or Swedish or Danish) is necessary.
   In addition, the following dictionaries can be mentioned:
     * W. A. Kirkeby. Norsk-engelsk ordbok (Kunnskapsforlaget).
       Especially good for Norwegian-speakers looking for the idiomatic
       way to say something in English.
     * Aschehoug og Gyldendals Store norske orbok ("moderat bokmål og
     * W. A. Kirkeby. Engelsk-norsk ordbok
     * Einar Haugen. Norsk-engelsk ordbok. Universitetsforlaget. OR the
       American edition, Norwegian-English Dictionary (not sure of
       publisher). Especially useful to English-speakers learning
       Norwegian; includes both Bokm}l and Nynorsk words.
     * The latest, most up-to-date version of Guttu's dictionary is Norsk
       illustrert ordbok. Moderat bokmål og riksmål (Oslo 1993, 1009
       pages). The format is now almost exactly like that of
       Bokmålsordboka (17cm x 25.5cm). Both are excellent dictionaries,
       which can be recommended. However, Norsk illustrert ordbok has a
       layout that makes it easier to find what you are looking for in
       big articles.
   Dave Golber writes:
   (1) Get Einar Haugen's Norwegian-English dictionary. It's great.
   (Also, it's got a introductory section that describes Nyn-Bokm.) It's
   written in English in the sense that the explanations, extended
   descriptions, etc, are in English, not Norwegian.
   For English-Norwegian, I don't have any strong opinion. I have and use
   Kirkeby's Dictionary, and it's good.
   The Haugen you should be able to order from your local bookstore. The
   Kirkeby might be harder. I can get you the particulars (publisher,
   ISBN number, etc). You might have to order it from Norway, but that
   isn't as hard as you think. Perhaps someone else in the group here
   will have suggestions.
   (2) I started using the tapes "Norsk for Utlendingar" (Norwegian for
   Foreigners). This is used in Norway for teaching Norwegian to
   immigrants. I think it's great. I wish I'd started using it long ago.
   It's available in the USA from Audio Forum, with the Norwegian texts
   that go with it, plus an American supplement. For an outrageous price.
   But it's worth it.

[ the sections above are available at the www-page ]

 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- END OF PART 6 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

   © Copyright 1994-98 by Antti Lahelma and Johan Olofsson.
   You are free to quote this page as long as you mention the URL for the
   original archive (as: <>),
   where the most recent version of this document can be found.
  s-mail: Majeldsvägen 8a, 587 31  LINKÖPING, Sweden

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