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*.answers post-approval guidelines
Section - 3. Add parts to or delete parts from a "posting"

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Top Document: *.answers post-approval guidelines
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Next Document: 4. Transfer a posting to a new maintainer
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3.1 Split up a single-part posting

Read Section 2.4 in the *.answers guidelines (see the top of this file
for where to get a copy) for more information on multiple-part
postings.  Submit all the parts to  Wait for
approval before posting.

3.2 Add a new part to a posting which already has multiple parts

Note: In order to reduce how often you need to ask for new parts, you 
might consider asking for more than just one new part approved at a 
time, thus making your postings individually smaller and giving them 
more room to grow.  If you do this, please start using all the parts 
that you've gotten approved at once, i.e., don't ask for 3 new parts 
and then only expand to use the first new part at first, and then the 
second, and then the third.  Just spread your posting a little thinner 
for a while.

    a. If the new part's headers are consistent with the other parts

    This means that that the Subject lines and archive names follow a
    pattern already established for your posting.  For example, your
    Subject lines are in the form "foo FAQ part * of *" and your
    archive names look like "foo-faq/part*". The old parts might have
    their subjects changed because the "of *" changed, but that still
    matches the same pattern.

    Inform of the Subject lines of all
    parts with changed Subject lines, and the Subject line and archive
    name of the new part. Wait for approval before posting the new

    b. If the new Subject or Archive-name does not fit an established 

    Submit the new part(s) and all significantly changed parts to  Wait for reapproval before posting them.

3.3 Delete a part from a multi-part posting

Inform  Wait for approval before posting 
if this will cause important changes in the other parts (changing 
subject lines from "foo part * of 20" to "foo part * of 15" does not 
count as an important change).

3.4 Add a diff posting

Read Section 2.5 of the "*.answers submission guidelines" (see the top
of this file for where to get a copy) for information on diff
postings.  Submit the diff posting to  If your
posting had only one part before the change, change its archive name
(see Section 2.5 of the "*.answers submission guidelines") and submit
both the posting and the diff posting.  Wait for reapproval before
posting the diff, and the regular posting if its archive name has
changed, to *.answers.

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Top Document: *.answers post-approval guidelines
Previous Document: 2. Change a posting's header(s)
Next Document: 4. Transfer a posting to a new maintainer

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news-answers-request@MIT.EDU (*.answers moderation team)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM