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Introduction to the *.answers newsgroups
Section - How does it work?

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Top Document: Introduction to the *.answers newsgroups
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Next Document: Where are postings to *.answers archived?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
A periodic posting maintainer who wants his or her posting(s) to
appear in news.answers (and other *.answers newsgroups) submits it to
the moderators, following the guidelines in the "*.answers submission
guidelines" article for proper submission and format of the posting's
headers.  The guidelines article is periodically posted to news.answers; 
it can also be retrieved from archives with anonymous FTP 
Readers who do not have access to anonymous FTP can retrieve
it by sending email to with the command 
"send faqs/news-answers/guidelines" in the message.

The moderators may accept the posting as-is, ask the submitter to
make modifications to the headers, or reject it completely.  If header
modifications are requested, the submitter makes the modifications and 
resubmits the posting.  Once a posting has been approved for *.answers, 
the moderators will explain how to indicate in the header of the message
that it was approved by the *.answers moderators, and the maintainer
can then post it directly to the group(s) him- or herself thereafter.

This needs to be emphasized, as it marks a very important difference
between how the *.answers moderated newsgroups work and how most
moderated Usenet newsgroups work: we will not actually post copies of
postings which appear in *.answers.  Instead, our job is to approve
such postings (which are then cross-posted by their maintainers
directly into the *.answers newsgroups) and to watch over the
*.answers groups for problem postings.  We are happy to render
assistance to maintainers who have problems figuring out how to
post a periodic informational posting as painlessly as possible,
however.  (For example, the "*.answers submission guidelines" points
at several software packages available to simplify posting articles on
a regular basis; we also maintain a specialized server which can
periodically post articles, for people who cannot install additional
software packages to help them manage their postings.)

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Introduction to the *.answers newsgroups
Previous Document: What are the other *.answers newsgroups?
Next Document: Where are postings to *.answers archived?

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
news-answers-request@MIT.EDU (*.answers moderation team)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM