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Introduction to news.announce
Section - news.lists.misc

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Top Document: Introduction to news.announce
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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Several people make an on-going effort to collect administrative
information and interesting statistics about Usenet.  This information,
usually in the form of lists, is posted on a regular basis to the
news.lists.misc newsgroup.  This allows others interested in these topics
(such as news flow, volume, valid newsgroup names, etc) to find them all
in one particular place.  Again, this is not a group in which users will
normally post, but they may find the information in the group to be of
interest.  Here are some postings in that group that users may want to

List of Active Newsgroups, Part ...

	Names and descriptions of all newsgroups in Usenet.
Alternative Newsgroup Hierarchies, Part ...

	Describes the alternative newsgroup hierarchies, including alt.*,
	bionet.*, bit.*, biz.*, clari.*, gnu.*, hepnet.*, ieee.*, the
	inet/ddn distribution, info.*, k12.*, relcom.*, u3b.* and
	vmsnet.*.  While alternative groups use the same underlying
	technology for transmission and reading, they are not considered
	part of mainstream Usenet, by definition.

List of Periodic Informational Postings, Part ...

	A comprehensive list of postings like this one, including the
	information-rich Frequently Asked Questions postings (FAQs).

Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists, Part ...

	A list of the large number of electronic mailing-lists that
	complement or sometimes supplement Usenet.  Mailing lists usually
	have smaller audiences or more specialized interests than the
	average newsgroup; some of them later become Usenet groups.  Many
	of these mailing lists are also available as gatewayed Usenet
	groups in the info.* and bit.listserv.* alternative hierarchies.
Mailing Lists Available in Usenet

	A list of those Usenet newsgroups that are also available as
	mailing lists.

Usenet Moderated Newsgroup Archive List
	Lists the location, maintainer and other general information
	about the archives of moderated Usenet newsgroups. This is not an
	all encompassing list of archives for each group.  Only the
	archives that the moderators consider official or one recommended
	archive for the newsgroup is listed.

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: Introduction to news.announce
Previous Document: news.admin.technical
Next Document: Moderators.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM