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Introduction to news.announce
Section - news.announce.important

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Top Document: Introduction to news.announce
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"news.announce.important" is a newsgroup for just what it says it is --
important announcements.  It is intended to be read by everyone on
Usenet, although nobody is forced to subscribe.  To post to
news.announce.important, send mail to the moderator at
"".  Some netnews implementations will
automatically mail to the moderator anything posted instead of
attempting to post it directly.  If the message is appropriate, it will
be posted by the moderator; if not, the moderator will suggest a more
appropriate place to post it or a better way to go about the same

Discussions in news.announce.important are explicitly forbidden, and
the volume of traffic will be kept low enough to keep people from
feeling a need to unsubscribe.  Usenet administrators for each site
should make a point of reading news.announce.important.

The current policy is that news.announce.important submissions must be:

(a) short - preferably they should fit on one crt screen, including headers.
(b) important enough to at least have their header shown to everyone on the
    net.  The posting should be more of benefit to the net than to the poster.
(c) not posted to any other newsgroup - news.announce.important by itself is 
    supposed to be sufficient to reach everybody, and nobody should have to
    read an announcement more than once.
(d) signed - the author should be clearly evident.
(e) not commercial, political, or religious in nature.

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Top Document: Introduction to news.announce
Previous Document: Introduction.
Next Document: news.announce.newgroups

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM