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Section - B4.2 Immigration Stuff, Points System

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See also the section on Coming To New Zealand (B4)


Paul Nixon has provided the following (reformatted) outline of the new
points system.  The old sections (B4.2 to B4.2.6) are quite possibly

"I have listed below what I understand will be the points structure of the
new General Skills Category [formerly the General Category] which will come
into effect in October 1995.


English Language:
Principle applicants to meet a minimum standard of English ie pass the
IELTS General Modual Level 5.  Non-principal applicants aged 16+ must also
meet this standard or pay a fee of $NZ20,000 [refundable if qualification
attained later].

Character & Health:
No change.  Applicants are required to be of good character and health.
Evidence of this by references and medical.


Flatter points structure created.  Ten pts minimum requirement.
Base degree [or equivalent], trade or 3 year diploma/cetificate = 10 pts.
Advanced trade or professional qualification = 11 pts.
Masters degree [or equivalent] = 12 pts.
Statutory resistration for professionals eg. doctors, dentists, vets.


Maximum age = 55
Job Offer; offer of skilled employment = 5 pts.


Settlement Funds:
$100,000 - $200,000 transferred to NZ and readily available = 1 - 2 pts.

Spousal Human Capital:
If spouse/partner has base degree, trade or 3 year diploma/certificate = 1
pt.  Advanced qualifications = 2 points.

New Zealand Work Experience:
Up to 2 pts available for work experience already gained in NZ on a lawful

Family sponsorship = 3 pts, Community sponsorship scrapped.

Under the new system there will not be an automatic points pass mark which
applicants will have to equal or exceed.  But a floating mark which may
change from month to month, no doubt depending upon the "quality" of
applicants at that time.

Clearly the new system makes it much more difficult to get points in the
first place and then much more difficult for applicants to assess if their
points total will be enough to obtain a visa."


To assist you in calculating the points you have, Mark Cresswell offers:

Version 2 of the New Zealand Immigration Calculator for 16-bit Windows, is
now available to download:

This program is still FREEWARE, and is targeted at those amongst you who
wish to gain residency in New Zealand.  It covers the following categories
of entry:

General Skills
Business Investement

There is an extensive amount of online immigration information, and the
program will calculate your points score based on the revised immigration

You are advised to contact your nearest NZ Embassy or NZIS office, to find
out the current Pass Mark (25 according to the immigration office in Chch
10/5/96), and for more detailed info.


This section (B4) is out of date.  It will be replaced as soon as I find
appropriate material...

The following is from a New Zealand Immigration Service pamphlet entitled
"Applying for Residence in NZ; Self-assessment Guide".  It should be noted
that people in NZ unlawfully are ineligible to apply for for residence
(except under certain circumstances).

If one has less than the current requirements of 25 (May 96) points it's
very difficult to get a job/grant money.

Migrants can apply for residence under FOUR categories, and need only meet
the requirements of ONE category to 'qualify' for residence.  The four
categories are:

1.  General Category (the points system; awards points against a number of
quality criteria).

2.  Business Investment (applicants are assessed on basis of skills, work
or business experience, and their ability to transfer >NZD 100,000 to NZ.

3.  Family (prospective migrants must have a 'genuine' relationship to NZ
citizen/ resident).

4.  Humanitarian (people with "exceptionally" difficult circumstances,
resolvable only by moving to NZ, providing there's a close family

The New Zealand Qualification Authority is online - their address is


B4.2.1  Assessment For The General Category

To succeed here, score more than 20 points.  This category is based on
employability, age and "settlement factors".  Applicants must be proficient
in English.  (20 pts is actually the 'fail' mark; the govt sets a higher
pass mark, but applications which fall between the pass and fail marks are
placed into a pool.  The highest scoring applications in this pool are
periodically drawn, they're in!).


B4.2.2  Employability

Postgraduate degree in any area of study, OR a bachelor's
degree in any science, technical or engineering area.            15 pts

Bachelors degree in any area of study not mentioned above,
or trade certificate or advanced trade qualification.
(min completion time = 3 years).                                 12 pts

Diploma or certificate (2 to 3 yrs full time study).              8 pts

Diploma or certificate (1 to 2 yrs full time study).              4 pts

12 years schooling successfully completed.                        2 pts

(points obtainable for only ONE qualification; qualifications must be of
comparable standards to NZ ones).


B4.2.3  Work Experience

1 pt for every TWO years of work experience, up to a max of 10 pts.  Work
must be relevant to either your qualification or in an approved occupation.
Work that is not directly related to a qualification can't be counted.
Work experience must have been obtained after completing a qualification in
order to be counted.


B4.2.4  Age

People over 55 yrs of age cannot be considered under the general category.

18-24 yrs      8 pts
25-29 yrs     10 pts
30-34 yrs      8 pts
35-39 yrs      6 pts
40-44 yrs      4 pts
45-49 yrs      2 pts


B4.2.5  Settlement Factors

Gain a MAX of 5 pts from any combination of the following;
-Settlement funds of NZD 100,000 (or equivalent)                   2 pts
-investment funds; 1 pt for every NZD 100,000                  max 3 pts
 (investment funds must be additional to any claimed settlement funds).
-sponsorship by an immediate family member                         2 pts
 OR sponsorship by an approved community organisation              3 pts
-offer of skilled employment in an approved occupation             3 pts

Maximum obtainable points under general category = 40.


B4.2.6  Business Investment Category

Must score min of 7 pts in 'employability' section (Qualifications + work
experience) in general category.  Business experience?  (ie. owned and
operated a business?) 1 pt for every 2 yrs (add this score to
qualifications section to get 'employability' score).

Business investment funds must be the direct result of your
business/professional skills over a period of at least three years.
There are 3 types of investment which count:
1. invest > NZD 750,000 into a passive investment; ie bank a/c, trust funds,
   or stocks.
2. invest > NZD 650,000 in a commercial venture in either Auckland or
   Wellington urban areas.
3. invest > NZD 500,000 elsewhere in NZ.

At least ONE member of the family (over 17 yrs old) must be proficient in
English, in order to enter under this category.  Funds must be invested in
NZ for a period of not less than 2 yrs, and they must provide a commercial

The last two categories are apparently pretty self explanatory.  The above
info is just a rough guide.  The pamphlets seem to be freely available, the
copy used above was from the Wellington Community Law Centre.


B4.2.7  Importing a Car

Martin Lange wrote:

"I imported my left-hand drive Fiat Uno from Germany after I was granted
residency.  That was three years ago.

The rules in 1993 where:
a) You can get a "Left-Hand Drive Exception Permit" if
- You are a Permanent Resident, Holding a Work Permit or have a long-term
  Visitors Permit
- Owned the car for at least two years overseas.
b) You are not allow to sell the car unless it is older than 20 years
  OR converted to a right-hand drive.
c) Your car must pass a technical check through the Land Transport

For up-to-date information, contact the
Land Transport Safety Authority,
Head Office,
7-27 Waterloo Quay,
P.O. Box 27-459

Ph: +64-4-494-8600
Fax: +64-4-494-8601

Anyhow, unless your car is something VERY special, it is not worth the

Especially Japanese assembled car are not expensive.  If you arrive in
Auckland, rent a car for a few days and shop around at the "Japanese
Assembled Car Dealers".

Be aware of the fact that most "Japanese Assembled Cars" have tinkered
clocks.  Do not believe the mileage the dealer tells you - it has been
manipulated in every second import.

The dealers have huge ranges for negotiations.  A friend of mine in
Auckland negotiated the price down by 45% THREE times.  After purchasing
such a car he brings it to a PIT Stop, gets the brakes fixed and drives

Another hint: The New Zealand Automobile Associations runs at least one
independent workshop in Auckland.  You can bring your potential "next car"
there and get an non-partisan assessment."

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM