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Section - 1.04 - Can the server be infected with a computer virus?

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Top Document: FAQ
Previous Document: 1.03 - Can a packet-sniffer capture passwords?
Next Document: 1.05 - What auditing functions does Accounting provide?
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    Since the server does not run DOS, it is immune from file viruses.
    They are vunerable to boot viruses, however, and these can be
    avoided by not booting the server from floppy disks.
    The server can be used to spread viruses, since workstations may
    execute infected software from the server and thus infect local
    hard disks, floppy disks, and so on.

    If possible, do not allow users to have write access to the
    executables on the server.
    A number of anti-virus utilities exist for Novell NetWare, including
    Dr Solomon's Anti Virus Toolkit, McAfee Associates's NETSCAN, and
    Data Fellows Ltd's F-PROT Professional.

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Top Document: FAQ
Previous Document: 1.03 - Can a packet-sniffer capture passwords?
Next Document: 1.05 - What auditing functions does Accounting provide?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM