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Section - 3.02 - I've lost the supervisor password.

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    The following method is used to obtain the supervisor account on
    NetWare 2. It will work on NetWare 3, but there is an easier way
    which follows.
    The following is fairly complicated, and is not recommended for

    1. Reboot the server and load DOS.
    2. Use a disk editor to examine the Novell partition and locate
       the directory entries for the bindery files (NET$BIND.SYS and
    3. Check for backup copies of the bindery with extension OLD (ie,
       NET$BIND.OLD and NET$BVAL.OLD). If you find them, change their
       extension to XXZ.
    4. Change the SYS extension to OLD.
    5. Restart the server. It will create a new bindery with SUPERVISOR
       and GUEST accounts; both without passwords.
    6. Login as SUPERVISOR and run BINDREST to restore the old bindery.
    7. Change the SUPERVISOR password.

    On NetWare 3, there are a number of NLMs which will reset the
    supervisor password (SETPWD and SETSPASS) or create supervisor
    equivalent accounts (BURGLAR). SETPWD is available by anonymous
    ftp from

    In general, you should have at least one supervisor equivalent
    account (see section 3.01).

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Next Document: 3.03 - I've deleted the user Admin.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM