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Address Munging FAQ: "Spam-Blocking" Your Email Address
Section - 5. Instructions for AOL members

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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
  AOL members can add characters to the end of their address as it 
  appears in Usenet posts.  Here's a before-and-after example:
5a. How to do it

  - Go to keyword "newsgroups" (no quotes)
  - Click on "Set Preferences"
  - In the box labeled "Junk block", add the text you would like
    to append to the end of your address
  - In the box labeled "Signature, be sure to tell people how to
    fix your address, or what your replyable address is. (You can
    also add other stuff to your signature, but you should keep it
    to 5 lines or less in length.)
    EX: "My real address is emailfaq(AT)aol(DOT)com" 
        "Remove '' from my address to reply"
5b. Suggested additions

 (be sure to include the periods!)
  - .oops!.invalid
  - monly.anti.spam
  - .take.a.hike.spammer

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Previous Document: 4. Actions
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM