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[] Wagner General FAQ
Section - N. How can I get inside the Palazzo Vendramin in Venice?

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Top Document: [] Wagner General FAQ
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Richard Wagner and his family moved into the Palazzo Vendramin-Calergi on
the Grand Canal on 18 September 1882.  It was there that Wagner died on 13 
February 1883.  

Palazzo Vendramin now houses the local Casino. Wagnerians visiting Venice
who wish to visit the "Wagner rooms" must make an appointment in advance.
The following are the visiting arrangements at present. They might be
changed at any time without notice.

You can only visit the rooms on Saturday at 10 a.m. precisely, if and only
if you have made an appointment prior to noon the Friday before. To do this
you must telephone (+39) (41) 52-32-544 and speak (in Italian) to Signora

Note! You will not be admitted if you turn up on Saturday without an
appointment, nor will you be admitted if you arrive later than 10 a.m.

There is no information about visiting the Wagner rooms at the main door of
the Palazzo at the "calle larga Vendramin"; but outside the main door there
is a small sign with an arrow showing the way to the "staff entrance". This
is two minutes (one block) away at the "calle Vendramin". At the staff
entrance there should be a porter to assist visitors.

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