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Smashing Pumpkins FAQ v4.6, part 3

( Part1 - Part2 - Part3 )
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Archive-name: music/smashing-pumpkins-faq/part3
Posting-Frequency: monthly (17th)
Version: 4.6

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4. -Merchandise- 

   4.1  Pricing/finding rarities 

     Since prices vary from area to area, and everything changes over time, I
     can't give any pricing info here.  If something sounds too expensive, ask
     why.  If you doubt the numbers they're giving you, check around.  Steve
     Hemming has a semi-accurate price guide for most releases at:

     Finding items is also quite difficult at times, but recently, a site has
     appeared which lists stores where such rarities might be found.  Also, 
     suggested by Dave Asselin, check out the Goldmine magazine, which includes 
     tons of trader info, or visit their web site at 

   4.2  Books 

     There are several books available on SP.  Here's the info: 

     Title:  Smashing Pumpkins 
     Author: Nick Wise 
     Pub:    Omnibus Press/Book Sales Ltd. 
     ISBN:   0-7119-4166-1 
     Notes:  48 pages, color photos on each page. 
     Price:  ~$12 

     Title:  Smashing Pumpkins 
     Author: Jim Stapleton 
     Pub:    Carlton Books/Music Book Services 
     ISBN:   1-85868-068-9 
     Notes:  120 pages, same size as a CD 
     Price:  ~$10 

     Title:  Smashing Pumpkins - A Tear-Out Photo Book 
     Author: none 
     Pub:    Oliver Books 
     ISBN:   1-870049-92-6 
     Notes:  20 full-page photos, text on opposite sides 
     Price:  ~$12 

     Title:  Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream 
     Author: Aaron Stang 
     Pub:    CPP Belwin, Inc. 
     ISBN:   0-89898-825-X 
     Notes:  Guitar tablature book, with intro and comments on each song by
     Price:  $20 

     Title:  Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness 
     Author: Andy Aledort & Hemme Luttjeboer 
     Pub:    Warner Bros. 
     ISBN:   1-57623-339-1 
     Notes:  Guitar tablature book, includes 'Guitar Geek USA' articles written 
             by BC for Guitar World 
     Price:  $30 

     Title:  Smashing Pumpkins - Adore
     Author: Andy Aledort
     Pub:    Warner Bros.
     ISBN:   0-7692-6396-8
     Notes:  Guitar tablature book, with complete solos and piano scores.
             Full-page pics of each members (like the cd).
     Price:  $30          

   4.3  T-Shirts 

     NOTE:  If you have any official tour shirts that are not listed here, 
     please send a description to  :-)  Thanks.

     Here's a text-based description of the t-shirts, roughly in order of 

     1. Devil shirt - Black with red/purple devil and gold glitter.  Back says
     "Mission To Mars". 

     2. Angel shirt - White with blue/silver angel & globe.  Back says
     "Altitude Not Attitude". 

     3. Gish picture shirt - White with b/w picture from inside Gish liner,
     with white "Smashing Pumpkins" and "gish" text from the cover. 

     4. SP Heart shirt - White with red/black SP heart logo.  One version has
     city scene on back, with SD song titles as neon signs, other version has
     the following text: 

     this is a smashing pumpkins t-shirt.  rather than ask me why i'm wearing
     this ask yourself why am i reading this?  the message is there is no
     message.  one million souls tossing down their hard earned lettuce for a
     piece of the hot rock indie alternative pie.  i've sold out.  how about
     you?  everybody's doing it even if they say they're not.  don't ask me
     cause i don't know.  rock saves.  it's the next big thing.  have you
     heard the next big thing?  i'm part of the revolution.  it's all coming
     down soon.  hope you're there. 

     5. Disarm Smile shirt - White with red/black "Smile" picture on front,
     1993-4 tour dates on back. 

     6. Siamese Dream cover shirt - White with SD promo poster (2 girls, one
     with a popsicle).  Back has either tour dates for Midwest tour, or for
     entire fall tour. 

     7. Star shirt - Black with red star & "smashing pumpkins" written in
     white in the SD font.  Back says "just say maybe". 

     8. Clown shirt 1 - Red with green clown in blue oval, 'smashing pumpkins'
     written around inside of oval. 

     9. Clown shirt 2 - Black with white/yellow clown, red stars, etc.  Back
     has partial songlist in yellow & green. 

     10. Spaceboy shirt - Purple, with orange cartoon astronaut.  Back has
     part of Starla lyrics. 

     11. MCIS shirt - Navy blue, MCIS cover image on front, back cover on
     back.  Tie-dyed version also available. 

     12. Blue SP Heart shirt - Navy blue with white SP heart logo outline. 

     13. Liner pic shirt - Black with picture of rabbits & rats smoking, white
     skull on back. 

     14. Discs shirt - MCIS CD images on front (pink/blue circles), tour dates
     on back. 

     15. ZERO shirt - Black with silver "ZERO" and star, small silver SP heart
     on left sleeve.  Short or long-sleeved. 

     16. "Leave Me Alone" shirt - White with sketched smiley faces in a spiral
     with red bar codes on their foreheads.  Back says "Leave Me Alone" in red
     1979 font 

     17. Black SP Heart shirt - Black with silver SP heart logo.  Back says
     "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" and includes a tracklist. 

     18. Vegas Logo shirt - Black with "Smashing Pumpkins" written in a
     neon-like cursive, orange with yellow outline & dots.  Background has
     silver stars and a planet. 

     19. "World is a Vampire" shirt - Black with large silver frowning face
     with fangs & horns, says "the world is a vampire" in MCIS liner font.
     Back says "The Smashing Pumpkins Infinite Sadness Tour" in the Mellon
     Collie font. 

     20. Baby Doll shirt -  White with red SP heart logo.  One size "Grrrl"

     21. Thermal heart shirt - Black long-sleeve thermal-textured shirt with
     silver & white embroidered SP heart logo 

     22. 'Adore' cover shirt - cover of 'Adore' on front, back has tour dates 
     from 1998 tour, and words, "The Smashing Pumpkins World Tour".

     23. 'Adore' shirt #2 - trio of black & white pictures of individual
     band members, with "The Smashing Pumpkins" printed in silver in center.
     Back has pictureo of D'arcy in see-through shirt, from 'Adore' booklet.

     Older shirts are going to be somewhat difficult to track down, but they
     can be found.  

   4.4  Videos 

     There are videos out for the following songs:  Siva; Rhinoceros; Cherub
     Rock; Disarm; Today; Rocket; Bullet with Butterfly Wings; 1979; Zero;
     Tonight, Tonight; Thirty-Three; The End is the Beginning is the End; Ava
     Adore; and Perfect.

     Of course, MTV plays the most recent ones the most often (they're usually
     put into heavy rotation when they're first released), but occasionally
     you can catch one of the older ones late at night. 

     Brief descriptions of the videos: 

     Siva - band playing in a room, candles, flowers, weird makeup, etc. 

     Rhino - band sitting & playing different instruments in a room, D'Arcy
     bouncing a ball, reverse footage, ornate fountains, & shots of the
     members outside 

     Cherub Rock - band playing outside in the dark by some trees, weird color
     effects, lighting diagrams, etc. 

     Disarm - black & white, closeups of members playing, aerial shots of
     buildings, etc. 

     Today - Billy drives through a desert in an ice cream truck, picks up
     James (wearing a dress), stops at a gas station & finds other 2 members,
     they paint the truck all funky & then drive off, leaving Billy 

     Rocket - a few kids build a rocket out of junk, blast off from their back
     yard, and land on another planet to find SP as an elderly band 

     Bullet - band plays on a stage in the middle of a dry dirt field full of
     dirty workers.  Billy has on the infamous Zero shirt & silver pants 

     1979 - shows a bunch of kids driving around, going to a party (at which
     SP is playing), wreaking havoc, and ransacking a convenience store 

     Zero - dark colors, strange-looking people in odd makeup, closeups of
     band, etc.  Rarely played 

     Tonight Tonight - made to look like an old movie (flickery lights, etc.)
     includes recreation of George Melies' 1902 film "A Trip to the Moon", one
     of the first films to use special effects 

     Thirty-Three - various shots done in stop-motion style, creating a jerky
     effect.  Includes Billy by sunset and painting, and trio in suits 

     TEITBITE - space-age costumes & props, members floating around, with
     shots from Batman and Robin in the background. 

     Ava Adore - band is dressed up in Gothic costumes (Billy with long gown, 
     heavy red eye make-up and white face...).  Camera follows them through 
     different rooms. 
     Perfect - a so-called sequel to the 1979 video.  A girl gets pregnant,
     some guy tapes a Pumpkin  show (very cool), the tape falls off his car
     when driving, then he gets in an accident.

     For much more detailed descriptions of the videos, consult Marci's FWQ
     (Frequently Wondered Questions) file, found at: 

   4.5  "Bootlegs" 

     A bootleg can refer to one of two things: 1) an audience recording,
     traded around by fellow fans, or 2) a CD manufactured by a company not
     connected to the band, containing live or unreleased studio tracks.  In
     both cases, the band makes no profit from these, while in the latter
     case, someone else -does-.  CD boots, usually listed as "imports",
     generally run for $20-30, and can be somewhat difficult to track down
     (i.e. you won't find them at any large chain stores).  Tapes recorded by
     fans are most often traded for other tapes, although some traders sell
     their tapes for cost.  For more info, check out the FAQ for 

   4.6  Trading 

     The best way to trade is to have your list available on the web, and then
     to post to the list or newsgroup with the URL.  It's usually not good to
     post a huge list to Listessa, although the newsgroup will do fine if you
     don't have web space.  After that, just wait for people to email you with
     trade offers, as there isn't much else you can do.  Posting your list
     every day or week is -not- a good idea, and will usually just turn people
     away or get you killfiled. 

     There is also a large trading area set up on the Smashing Pumpkins
     Collection site:

   4.7  Tape Trees
     Recently, the Smashing Pumpkins Live Recording Association (SPLRA) 
     has either set up, or sponsored a number of "tape trees".  This began
     with the Bridge School Benefit concert in October 1997.  The show was
     taped, and the master was donated to the SPLRA for a tape tree.  

     For those of you who don't know what a "tape tree" is, it's
     essentially like a family tree.  The seed (someone with a good
     quality, master or 1st generation tape) posts to the newsgroup and
     Listessa, looking for people to sign up as "branches" and "leaves".
     Once the allotted time for sign-up to the tree has expired, the branches
     send one blank tape and a few dollars for postage to the seed.  The seed
     then dubs the tapes for the branches and returns them.  The branches each 
     do the same for their leaves, which they have been assigned. 

     For a better description, go to
     For more information on the goodness that is the SPLRA, go to:

5. -News/Info/Net Resources- 

   5.1  Brief history/landmark events 

     1988/89- band forms, plays around Chicago, releases demo tapes 
     1990- I Am One 7", Tristessa 7" and 12" released 
     1991- Gish & Lull released; tour with Red Hot Chili Peppers & Pearl Jam 
     1992- "Singles" soundtrack; Reading Festival 
     1993- Siamese Dream released, selling millions; major tour 
     1994- band headlines Lollapalooza; Pisces Iscariot released 
     1995- Double Door concerts; another Reading Festival appearance; 
           MCIS released, outselling SD 
     1996- American Music Awards; Simpsons "Hullabalooza" appearance; 
           major tour; keyboardist dies, drummer fired (see 5.3); band 
           wins 7 MTV Video Music Awards; Ransom & Lost Highway soundtracks; 
           TAFH box set released 
     1997- Batman & Robin soundtrack; European festival concerts 
     1998- Adore released (June 2).  Short promo tour follows. 
     For a more detailed chronology, check out the one at 

   5.2  Double Door info
     In February of 1995, the Pumpkins played 4 shows (21, 22, 27, and 28) at
     the Double Door bar in Chicago. The tickets cost $5 each, all of which 
     went to charity.  The sets consisted entirely from new material from the 
     then-upcoming album MCIS, and it's b-sides, and a few older b-sides played      as encores.  A few songs played have not been released, like "Speed" (from
     Pastichio Medley, from the Zero single), and "Towers of Rabble".  While
     security was extremely tight, someone was able to record the 21st and 27th      shows, although the quality is quite poor at times.  A second recording of      the 21st show, but a few songs are cut. 

   5.3  The keyboard/drummer events 

     In the summer of '95, the Chicago Reader ran an ad by the Pumpkins,
     seeking a touring keyboardist.  5-minute tape auditions (with a "please,
     no pumpkins songs" condition) were to be turned in by July 14th.  On
     August 18, Entertainment Weekly ran the following: 

     "...aspiring Pumpkins needn't wait by the phone.  Two months later, a
     refrigerator box full of cassettes graces Chicago's Soundworks studios,
     and there's not a listening station in sight. 'We've been too busy to
     deal with them,' says Iha. 'I don't want to listen to a bunch of wack
     keyboard players. It sounds like a nightmare to me.'" 

     The position was filled by Jonathan Melvoin, who played keyboards and
     acted as a second drummer for Silverfuck.  He also appeared with SP on
     the American Music Awards. 

     On July 12, 1996, Jonathan was found dead from a heroin overdose.  He and
     drummer Jimmy Chamberlin had shot up the previous night, and Jimmy awoke
     to find Jonathan dead.  Jimmy was charged with misdemeanor heroin
     possession, and the rest of the band were taken in for questioning, and
     later released.  All tour dates through July 27th were postponed.  A few
     days later, the band released a statement saying that Jimmy would no
     longer be the band's drummer. 

     Private/closed auditions were held a while later to find a replacement
     drummer for the remainder of the tour.  Matt Walker, former touring
     drummer for Filter, took over.  While auditioning for Filter, he
     reportedly dropped a drumstick and finished with one- he was hired
     immediately.  Dennis Flemion, founding member and drummer/keyboardist of
     The Frogs, was chosen to be the replacement keyboardist.  A press release
     was issued on August 8th.  The band played a surprise warmup show at the
     Metro on August 23rd with the two new touring members, and resumed the
     MCIS tour after that.  

     During the recording of Adore, SP used several drummers, including
     Joey Waronker (Beck), Matt Walker (MCIS tour, Cupcake), and Matt
     Cameron (Soundgarden).  Drum machine programming was done by Bon
     Harris of Nitzer Ebb.

     For the recent Adore tour, the band hired a decent-sized backup band
     that consists of drummer Kenny Aronoff, keyboardist Mike Garson, and
     percussionists Stephen Hodges and Dan Morris.  

     Recently, Rolling Stone and Mtv reported that Jimmy was back with the
     band, recording a new album.  However, Virgin Records has not yet issued
     an official press release regarding the issue.  When and if this does
     happen, it will no doubt be posted to Listessa and the newsgroup, as well
     as most websites.  (See section 1.1 above).

   5.4  Tour info 

     Tour dates are kept current at the Smashing Pumpkins Live Recording
     Association.  Go to for more information.

     Occaisional special concerts (ie: Billy solo at Chicago's Metro club) are 
     still slowly coming out of the woodwork and will be put up on Josh 
     Provost's site (the Smashing Pumpkins Live Recording Association,
     SPLRA) when they become available. 

   5.5  IRC info 

     There are several IRC channels for pumpkin-heads: #smashing_pumpkins on
     Undernet, EFnet, and IRCnet, #smashing_pumpkins and #pumpkins on EFnet, 
     and #smashing-pumpkins on DALnet.  #smashing_pumpkins on is also
     a popular place for Aussie SP fans.  To use IRC, you must have a client
     program.  For more info, check out the mIRC homepage at
   5.6  Web links for cool stuff 

     Since there are hundreds of web sites devoted to SP, it may be difficult,
     at first, to find what you're looking for.  Here are the best sites I'm
     aware of for specific features: 

     Tour info -
     Tour History (archive only, no updates) -
     Trading -
     Links - 
     Listessa - 
     Discog (visual) - 
     Discog (text info) - 
     Bootlist - 
     Recording Sessions -
     Tab -
     General -
	 Official sites -

     If you're creating a new site, keep in mind that simply copying someone
     else's site is NOT a good idea, as you will likely get a lot of
     complaints.  Try to come up with something novel and original, and
     remember that content is more important than how many "hits" you get.  Do
     -not- post your URL 10 times a day to the newsgroup.  Announcing it only
     once upon creation, or after a time of extreme upgrade/change, and
     including the URL in your .sig is the best way to go.  If it's good,
     people will visit it.  If not, perhaps it could use some improvement. :-) 

   5.7  Other recommended sources 

     Frequently Wondered Questions - written as a supplement to this FAQ by
     Marci.  Found at 

     Discography - exhaustive text version maintained by Dave Asselin,
     contains everything you wanted to know about every official SP release. 
                 - in depth visual discography has a scan of every known
     release.  Even has a lot of bootleg scans.

     Bootlist - includes tracklists & info on all known bootleg CDs.    Text-based (by Karl Daher)  HTML-based (oh, it's very hi-tech)

6. -Miscellaneous/Semi-Related- 

   6.1  '666' Bootleg Video
     A completely new FAQ has been created for this subject.  Please consult
     that FAQ for information pertaining to the subject of the 666 bootleg.
   6.2  Starchildren 

     The Starchildren is a side-project band consisting of Billy and various
     other people.  There have also been "secret" pumpkin shows under the
     name.  Starchildren have released a split 7" with Catherine (Delusions of
     Candor/ Flight of the Eagle, b/w Songs About Girls), and covered
     "Isolation" for the Joy Division tribute album, "Means to an End." 

     Rotating members of Starchildren have included James, Jimmy, and D'Arcy,
     Bob English, and Mark Rew, Neil Jendon, Cliff Fox, and Kerry Brown of
     Catherine.  Starchildren has not made an appearance as of late.  

   6.3  Catherine 

     Catherine is, unfortunately, usually thought of as "D'Arcy's husband's
     band."  However, despite poor marketing from TVT, they're definitely a
     cool band to check out.  The band consists of Mark Rew (guitar/vocals),
     Fever (guitar), Gus (percussion/keyboards), Keith Brown (bass), and Kerry
     Brown (drums).  Former members include Neil Jendon, Jerome Brown, and
     Cliff Fox. 

     Catherine's releases are: the split 7" with Starchildren (Songs About
     Girls/Delusions of Candor - TVT 4612-7); the Sparkle/Charmed (for Taylor)
     7" on Limited Potential (LimP 011); an EP "Sleepy" (March Records MAR
     005, reissued TVT 4610); Songs About Girls/It's No Lie 7" on Rough Trade
     (45rev35); and albums "Sorry" (TVT 4620-2) and "Hot Saki & Bedtime
     Stories" (TVT 9020-2).   There's also a track "End of Something" on the
     Absolute Middle of Nowhere #17 compilation.  Videos are available for
     It's No Lie, Songs About Girls, Saint, and Four-Leaf Clover. 

     Earlier releases are very guitar-heavy (3 guitars), and the final songs
     on Sleepy and Sorry feature extended feedback jams similar to "Drown"-
     the latest release is more poppy. 

     Billy Corgan co-produced the 2 7" releases and Sleepy EP.  D'Arcy sings
     on "Four-Leaf Clover" and "Punch Me Out" from "Hot Saki & Bedtime
     Stories", on which James Iha & Jimmy Chamberlin are also credited for
     "additional equipment".  "Blew Away" (Disarm (smile) single, Pisces
     Iscariot) features Kerry Brown on drums.  Kerry is also a co-owner of
     Scratchie Records, and has helped record and produce a number of SP

     For more info, join the Catherine mailing list (send "subscribe
     catherine" to, and/or check out the following web
     sites: (includes a FAQ) 

   6.4  The Frogs 

     The Frogs are a Milwaukee-based band that Billy is both a fan of and
     close friends with.  Consisting of brothers Jimmy and Dennis Flemion and
     bassist Damian Strigens, The Frogs can best be described as satirical.
     Though largely underground, The Frogs have developed a sort of cult
     following, and their live show is simply unforgettable. 

     The Frogs have opened for the Pumpkins and Pearl Jam, and played second
     stage at Lollapalooza in 1994, with Billy coming out on a few occasions.
     Dennis was chosen as the replacement keyboardist for the pumpkins' MCIS
     tour, and appeared with them from August '96 on.  Jimmy took a roadie job
     with the tour, and came out on stage in his green-sequined, winged
     costume to play along for 1979 and choose audience members to dance on

     The Frogs have released 2 albums ("It's Only Right And Natural",
     Homestead [HMS169-2], and "My Daughter the Broad", Matador [ole 155-2]),
     several 7" singles ("Now You Know You're Black", "Here Comes Santa's
     Pussy", and a split 7" with Wesley Willis), a cover of Pearl Jam's
     "rearviewmirror" (found on PJ's "Immortality" CDS), and an EP "Starjob"
     on Scratchie Records [314 534 838-2], produced by Billy Corgan. 

     The pumpkins' home video, Vieuphoria, includes a brief "Meet the Frogs"
     segment, including bits of live shows, and featuring excerpts of "Homos"
     and "I Only Play 4 Money" (found on "It's Only Right And Natural" and
     "Starjob", respectively). 

     For more info, check out one of the two Frogs web sites at: (includes text discography, Real Audio,
        Real Video, and pictures.)

   6.5  Scratchie Records 

     Scratchie Records is a label co-owned by James Iha & D'Arcy, as well as
     Jeremy Freeman, Kerry Brown, and others.  The label puts out cool music &
     does really cool stuff for its customers & fans. :-)  Check their web site
     out at 

     The label occaisionally posts to the newsgroup, announcing
     Scratchie-related news, so watch for these announcements.  

   6.7  Cabal (...) / Junta (...) 

     Although scarcely mentioned nowadays, the Cabal (there is no Cabal) and
     Junta (there is a Junta, I know, they suck) were two "secret
     organizations" that were brought up occasionally a while back.  Their
     mention provided amusement for some, annoyance to others, and is included
     here purely for nostalgia. :-)

7. -Conclusion- 

   7.1  Acknowledgments 

     This work could not have been made possible without the generous
     contributions (info and otherwise) from the following people: ERIC AGNEW.
     Adam Bellinger; Adam Cutler; Adam Newman; Allison Baird; Andrew Miller;
     Ankh Raid; Badfish; Brian McCall; Brandon; BuGG; Chris Carman; Christine 
     Henry; Damian Strigens, and Dennis & Jimmy Flemion; Dave Asselin; Davin
     Mehrbani; Emmy Bristow; Eric Heutchy; Henry Bent; Jamie Halle; Jason
     Petrait; Jason Ting; Jenn Miller; Jeremy Adams; Jeremy Freeman; Jesse 
     Miller; Josh Sherman; Joshua Provost; Karl Daher; Kim Wisniewski; Kristen 
     Kapica; Laura Ann (SPFC); Looselucy9; Marci; Mark Gillis; Mark Andrew 
     Hamilton; all the Matts and Mikes; Matthius Rheaume; Nikki Christoff;
     Onica; Phil Herring; Pissant; Roger Janssen; Saira Hussain; Scott
     Carpenter; Scott Spencer; Steve Hamel; Steve Hemming; Tariq Hussain;
     Tom Jackson; Wristy; all the other people who've sent in info, plugged the 
     FAQ; everyone who's taken the time to create a cool, info-packed web
     site; and, of course, the band, for their inspiration & all that awesome 
     music. :-) 

   7.2  Disclaimer 

     Anything that you think should be included in this FAQ should be mailed
     to me (Mike Hamilton) at  Please keep in mind that
     I'm a full-time University student, and I do have a social life, so I 
     don't always e-mail you back immediately.  Be patient.  Thanks.


|--please stop loving me, please stop loving me, I am none of these things--|


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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM