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Section - 5.2 What books are there on Marillion/Fish?

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This listing contains some information on the 3 books that are available
on Marillion and Fish (currently nothing on Fish solo).

Title        : Marillion in Words and Pictures
Author       : Carol Clerk
Published by : Bobcat Books: London, 1985
ISBN         : 0.7119.0768
Order No     : OP 43512
Other        : Softcover, 47 pages
Approx. price: US$5.95

        Exclusive distributors:
        Book sales Limited
        8/9 Frith St.
        London W1V 5TZ, UK

        This book is mostly color and black and white photos of the band,
        especially Fish, in concert and just hanging out. But it also gives
        a good overview of the band's history from the early days through
        the release of Misplaced Childhood. Some of its highlights are
        the recipe for Grendels, an explanation of the Fish/Derek conflict,
        and some insights into "The Web" and Misplaced Childhood.

Title     : The Script: An illustrated biography
Author    : Clive Gifford
Publisher : Omnibus Press, London, 1987
ISBN      : 0.7119.1113.4
Order No  : OP 44304
Other     : Softcover 96 pages
Price     : Approx. US$10.95

        Exclusive distributors:
        Book Sale Limited
        8/9 Frith St.
        London W1V 5TZ, UK

        The Script is an illustrated bio of the group by Clive Gifford.
        It's only 96 pages (with a lot of pictures), so it is not as
        extensive as "Market Square Heroes". This book was written after
        the release of "Misplaced Childhood," but before "Clutching at
        Straws." It has a complete discography of all of Marillion's
        singles, albums, videos, demos, bootlegs, promos, etc. with
        descriptions of distinctive features of the work (i.e. picture

Title     : Market Square Heroes: The Authorized Story of Marillion
Author    : Mick Wall (foreword by Fish)
Publisher : Sidgwick and Jackson Limited
ISBN      : 0-283-99426-6
Other     : 310 pages

        1 Tavistock Chambers, Bloomsbury Way
        London WC1A 2SG
        Great Britain

        Market Square Heroes: The Authorized Story of Marillion is probably
        the most informative of the Marillion books I've seen.  It has the
        least amount of pictures,  but those they have are of a historical
        nature.  I'd say it is the most honest of the various books -- it's
        a real biography, not just a cheap attempt to raise money off of
        the fans.  After reading the book, I felt I knew Fish, Steve
        Rothery, Pete, Ian, and Mark.  The book is tailored for the fan
        however -- Mick Wall's appreciation of the band and the songs are
        quite in evidence.

        It has on the back cover that "The main reason the band and I
        [Fish] wanted this book to be written, was because there's never
        been anything published that truly got to grips with the real story
        of Marillion."  I'd agree.

        If you are looking for facts on Marillion through the release of
        Clutching at Straws, I'd recommend Market Square Heroes -- if you
        want pictures of Fish and the band, go somewhere else . . .

Title     : Marillion: `The Thieving Magpie' (La Gazza Ladra)
Author    : Roger Day
Publisher : Wise Pulications, London 1989
ISBN      : 0.7119.1837.6
Other     : Order No. AM74758.

        This book contains scores for everything on The Thieving Magpie,
        including Freaks and the whole of Misplaced Childhood.

Title     : Marillion - Misplaced Childhood
Author    : ? anyone know ?
Publisher : Chapell Music Ltd. 129 Park Strees, London, W1Y 3FA, UK
ISBN      : 0 86359 288 0

        Exclusive Distributors:
        Internationa Music Publications
        Southend Road
        Woodford Green
        Essex IG8 8HN, England
        This book contains the scores and the lyrics of the whole Mispaced
        Childhood album. First published in 1985.

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What a vile, ignorant, and socially divisive set of lyrics. Envy is a dangerously subtle beast; its victims mistake it for moral indignation.

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