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Section - 3.12 What's the story behind Geezabun?

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This is ancient Marillion history. It seems that once during a break
between songs (possibly while some technical problem was being fixed) Fish
entertained the audience at a gig with the following "joke":

Q: How does an elephant tell you it's hungry?

        While impersonating an elephant, using his arm as a trunk, Fish gave
        the answer:

A: It says "Geezabun".

[Explanatory notes for non-Brits:

 1. "Geezabun" = "Give us a bun" said very fast by a Scotsman.

 2. Many years ago children used to be allowed to feed buns to elephants
    at British zoos, so buns are widely held to be part of the standard
    elephant diet.

 3. A bun is a fairly simple form of cake. There are two standard
    varieties: the currant bun (slightly sweetened dough mixed with dried
    currants) and the iced bun (slightly sweetened dough covered with
    icing [frosting]).  There are also specialist buns, eg. the
    hot-crossed bun (traditionally eaten on Good Friday), Bath buns,
    Chelsea buns etc.]

Anyway, the telling of this joke became standard procedure at Marillion
gigs and members of the audience would bombard the stage with buns at the
appropriate moment.

Note that the choir on Fish' version of "Fearless" is called Geezabun!
Also the bootleg "The Mask" contains a disc that has Geezabun on it (which
is the only recording available on bootleg). It's also on the "Live At
Sheffield City Hall" boot listed as "Anthem". This boot is the last date of
the Clutching_aS tour.

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Oct 4, 2021 @ 3:03 am
What a vile, ignorant, and socially divisive set of lyrics. Envy is a dangerously subtle beast; its victims mistake it for moral indignation.

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Top Document: FAQ [1/2]
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM