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Section - 3.1 Who started Marillion and when?

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Top Document: FAQ [1/2]
Previous Document: 2.7 Is there a complete discography available?
Next Document: 3.2 Where does the name Marillion come from?
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The very beginning was a band called 'Electric Gipsy', started in 1979
with Mick Pointer, Doug Irvine and Andy Glass.

In 1979 Steve Rothery (guitars) joined Mick Pointer (drums), Doug Irvine
(bass), and local keyboardist Brian Jelliman in an instrumental band. There
was also a guitar player and a keyboardist, but that didn't last more than
a week. Their names are unknown. There was no singer, but in the winter of
79/80, Doug took up the vocals and they recorded their first demo which
included the songs "Alice" and "Lady Fantasy". These demos, and some
instrumentals can be found on the bootleg "Haunters Having Lots of Fun" (see
the section on bootlegs).

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What a vile, ignorant, and socially divisive set of lyrics. Envy is a dangerously subtle beast; its victims mistake it for moral indignation.

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Top Document: FAQ [1/2]
Previous Document: 2.7 Is there a complete discography available?
Next Document: 3.2 Where does the name Marillion come from?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM