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Section - 2.4 What do these abbreviations mean?

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Often people do not type the whole title of an album they are referring
to, but use acronyms like CaS, HiY and SftM instead. This can be confusing
for people who have just subscribed, and also for people who 'lost the
thread'.  I prefer writing the first word in full and abbreviating the
rest, which makes the acronyms easier to understand.

        CaS  = Clutching_aS = Clutching at Straws
        HiY  = Hooks_iY = Hooks in You
        SftM = Songs_ftM = Songs from the Mirror
        AOS  = Afraid of Sunlight

Further, a lot of "regular" net acronyms are used. More comprehensive
lists are available:

        IMO  = In My Opinion
        IMHO = In My Humble/Honest Opinion
        FYI  = For Your Information
        RSN  = Real Soon Now

Smileys are also used a lot (turn you head 90 degrees to the left):

        :-)   Smile!  [often means "this was meant humorously"]
        ;-)   Wink    [often means you're being sly or that you've
                       just said an inside joke]
        8^)   One of the endless variations  |*)

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What a vile, ignorant, and socially divisive set of lyrics. Envy is a dangerously subtle beast; its victims mistake it for moral indignation.

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Top Document: FAQ [1/2]
Previous Document: 2.3 When is the new album coming?
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM