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alt.guitar.rickenbacker Frequently Asked Questions
Section - 5.6 How does the serial number system work? My guitar (or bass) has serial number XX-1234. What year was it made?

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Top Document: alt.guitar.rickenbacker Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 5.5 What are some suggestions on how to re-string my Rickenbacker 6-string or 12-string guitar?
Next Document: 5.7 How can I get "The Sound" without owning a 370/12 RM?
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   This system is given on Mike Parks' web page:

   [Gerard Lanois,, 2/4/1999]

   You can use the official Rickenbacker serial number decoder on the web.
   You type in your serial number, and it spits back the year and month
   of manufacture:

   [Gerard Lanois,, 9/1/1998]

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Top Document: alt.guitar.rickenbacker Frequently Asked Questions
Previous Document: 5.5 What are some suggestions on how to re-string my Rickenbacker 6-string or 12-string guitar?
Next Document: 5.7 How can I get "The Sound" without owning a 370/12 RM?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM