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FAQ: Where to post in REC.ARTS.MOVIES.*
Section - (2.2) Where should I talk about Oscars, Cannes, Sundance or other movie award ceremonies (such as adult-oriented ones)?

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TYPE A: All movie award ceremonies except those that belong to type B.
TYPE B: Adult-oriented movie award ceremonies

TYPE A: All movie award ceremonies except those that belong to type B
Predictions and comments on Oscars or other movie award ceremonies
are popular topics. These topics are mostly related to current
movies and actors/actresses/directors of the films invovled.
Depending on the subject of your post, the most appropriate groups
should be either rec.arts.movies.current-films or rec.arts.movies.people.
Choose one of these to post.

If you think your comments are related to both the actor(s) and 
the film(s), you may wish to just send it to rec.arts.movies.current-films.
There is no need to crosspost to both groups as most readers
subscribe to more than one subgroup in the hierarchy. Please also
refer to the standard Netiquette described in Section One, Q3.

If you want to make general comments on the award show (like if the 
Oscars show was entertaining) or talk about your opinion of the Academy 
of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences in general, rec.arts.movies.misc 
could be a better place.

Many readers also like to ask for various lists of past Oscar winners. 
These posts should be directed to rec.arts.movies.lists+surveys. 

The main idea is that, choose the most appropriate group to post
your article. If none of the newsgroups fit the article, the article
should probably belong to .misc. There is no need to crosspost
your article to several groups in the same hierarchy.

TYPE B: Adult-oriented movie award ceremonies  
The Adult Video News and gay Video Guide magazines each have their own
award ceremony.  It would best be discussed these events in 
rec.arts.movies.erotica .

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