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ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 5 of 5 [Product Info]
Section - P.2 UNIX software that works with ZyXEL modems

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Top Document: ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 5 of 5 [Product Info]
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: P.3 MacIntosh software that works with ZyXEL modems
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ArnetFAX, fax software
Arnet Corporation
618 Grassmere Park Drive
Nashville, TN 37211
Time:   Eastern Standard Time (?)
Voice:  (800) 366-8844
E-Mail: Clarence Whaley (
DigiFAX, fax software
6400 Flying Cloud Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Time:   Central Standard Time
Voice:  (612) 943-9020
E-Mail: Chad Chessen (

Faximum ELS and Faximum PLUS, fax software
  Available for most Intel-based UNIX/XENIX (AT&T, Interactive, SCO, etc.).
  Ports to Sun, IBM RS/6000, and others in progress.  Highly rated, feature 
  rich fax software that supports both PCL-5 and PostScript documents with 
  dozens of scalable fonts.
Faximum Software Inc.
300 - 1497 Marine Drive
West Vancouver, BC
Canada, V7T 1B8
Tel:    (604) 925-3600
Fax:    (604) 926-8182
Cost:   US$695 for Faximum ELS
        US$995 for Faximum PLUS

FaxX, fax software
  At the moment, we are working on a voice-mailbox for the ZyXEL, including
  fax-back, call-distinction and other features. 
  There is no US-Distributor, yet.
QUEST systems GmbH
Detmarstr. 1
44137 Dortmund
Voice:  +49 231 914028-0
Fax:    +49 231 914028-40
Cost:   DM 1998,-- (US$ prices will be lower)

FlexFax v2.2.2, fax software (*FREE*)
FTP from and get the file sgi/fax/v2.2.2.src.tar.Z
Cost:     *FREE*

Gnu NetFax v3.2.1, fax software
FTP from
Cost:     *FREE*

mgetty+sendfax v0.20, getty replacement with FAX-receive capabilities
  It's a heavily customized "getty" process allowing data and fax dial-ins,
  a small "sendfax" program to allow one-shot faxing of pbmtog3- or 
  ghostscript-digifax-created fax pages, and a couple of auxiliary programs 
  for fax queueing etc.  Also includes voice support, fax polling, fax poll
  server (that is, the machine that is *called* when polling). 
FTP from in /pub/Linux/system/Serial
Or, send e-mail to the author and he shall mail the source code (about 220
Kbytes (gzip'ed)).
E-Mail: Gert Doering (
Fax:    +49-89-3243328
Cost:   *FREE* (donations welcome)

TruFax, voice/data/fax software
  Facsimile Support Program for Unix Computer Systems
  Runs on a variety of platforms including most X86 unixes (like SCO, 
  UnixWare, Interactive, etc.) as well as Sun, HP, RS6000, Sequent, 88Open.
Computer Organization System, Inc
9 Huron Way
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
Voice: (609) 771-6705
Fax:   (609) 530-0898

vgetty (alpha software), voice software
  Acts as a simple answering machine.  In conjunction with mgetty+sendfax it
  will allow normal data and fax dial-ins.  It's quite modular, so it should
  even be possible to build a kind of a voice mailbox around it (shell script).
For further information or sources, please contact Klaus Weidner,
the author and maintainer of vgetty
FTP from in /tmp/mgetty*
E-Mail: Klaus Weidner (
Cost:  Free (some restrictions on resale)

Rob Janssen software (currently unnamed?), voice/data/fax software
  Does dial-back security, dial-in security, and manages dial-in/out, faxes,
  and answering machine functions.  An integrated all-in-one solution.
  Compiled for Linux and SVR4.
UUCP to (phone number unknown) during the hours of 2300-0730 local time.
The phone number is a voice line as well.  Therefore the UUCP service is 
only available during these hours and IT IS NOT AVAILABLE AT ANY OTHER 
TIME!!!  Local time is one hour later than GMT. (name of time zone unknown)
and get the files ~/ZyXEL/ZyXEL.tar.gz and ~/ZyXEL/ZyXEL-source.tar.gz
E-Mail: Rob Janssen (

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Top Document: ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 5 of 5 [Product Info]
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: P.3 MacIntosh software that works with ZyXEL modems

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM