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ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 3 of 5 [Technical FAQs]
Section - T.19 What is the easiest way to record voice?

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Top Document: ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 3 of 5 [Technical FAQs]
Previous Document: T.18 How does enabling callback security affect the reception of faxes?
Next Document: T.20 How good is the voice quality?
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One method of recording voice on a ZyXEL modem is from another phone line.  
This method is useful if two phone lines are present.

Another method of recording voice on a ZyXEL modem is to speak into the 
*earpiece* of a telephone handset, which is attached to the line connector of 
the modem.  This technique is may not be too effective.
ZyXEL is now shipping a hardware device/box which will make voice recording 
with a ZyXEL much more effective.  The modem plugs into the box, and the 
phone line is plugged into the box.  A switch on the box allows recording
directly from the phone.  This box has the amplifiers built in to record
from an un-powered phone.  No plug-switching necessary.  The ZyVoice box is
now shipping and sells for US$30.00.  

Paul Dowling ( writes:
"I was skeptical to say the least that this solution [the hardware box] 
would work.  Well, it works MUCH better.  I've only played with it for a 
few minutes, but there is a definite improvement in the quality.  It's 
still not as good as I'd like, and there is still a slight whining noise 
in the background, but this seems to really have worked.

The switch box includes a power converter and 2 RJ-11 wires. There is a button 
next to the dial-up line connection that allows you to select between voice and
normal.  The other side has jacks to connect to the phone and wall lines on the 
modem and to your telephone.  The box is about 3 1/2" x 2 1/2".  I don't like 
the idea of having an external box and I hope in the future they will build it 
into the board, but for now, I'm very pleased with it."

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Top Document: ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 3 of 5 [Technical FAQs]
Previous Document: T.18 How does enabling callback security affect the reception of faxes?
Next Document: T.20 How good is the voice quality?

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Single Page

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