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ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 3 of 5 [Technical FAQs]
Section - T.1B What does one do if one does not have have the latest ROMs?

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Top Document: ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 3 of 5 [Technical FAQs]
Previous Document: T.1A How does one determine the ROM revision?
Next Document: T.1C Where does one obtain EPROMs to update modem ROMs?
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The most convenient way to get the latest ROMS is to buy them.  OCOMP, The 
Questor Project, ZyXEL USA (US$35), and others sell EPROMS with the latest 
EPROM release (cf P.9 or T.1.C).

Another way to get the latest ROMS is to "make" a set.  First, obtain two 
EPROMs (cf T.1C).  Then, FTP the latest ROM image from a FTP site.  (A 
complete ROM image consists of a pair of files.  There is a pair of files for 
each of the E/E+/B/B+/S/S+ models.)  Next, erase the EPROMs with an EPROM 
eraser (UV-light), verify the EPROM has been completely erased, and then use 
an EPROM burner to burn in the latest ROMs (cf T.1.D).

Incorrectly programmed EPROMS will not work.  The modem will compare the
checksum of the chips with the checksum reported i the ATI1 command.  If
they are different, the modem will not function.

Hint:  Having two sets of ROMs around is a GREAT idea.  Keep the old set that
was in the modem, and install the latest ROMs.  If a bug is found in the new 
ROMs, the old set can be re-installed.  If the new ROMs are OK, then the old 
set can be erased, and reused to burn in the next ROM release.

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Top Document: ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 3 of 5 [Technical FAQs]
Previous Document: T.1A How does one determine the ROM revision?
Next Document: T.1C Where does one obtain EPROMs to update modem ROMs?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM