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ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 3 of 5 [Technical FAQs]
Section - T.7 What is the chip set / data pump used in the modems?

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Top Document: ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 3 of 5 [Technical FAQs]
Previous Document: T.6 How do ZyXEL modems deal with escape sequences?
Next Document: T.7A What is the advantage of this design?
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ZyXEL models do *NOT* use the Rockwell chipset.  ZyXEL uses their own code,
which runs on a Motorola 68000 processor and two Texas Instruments Digital 
Signal Processors (DSP).  The DSPs used are the same type seen in US Robotics

Barney Campbell ( asks:
"What is the data pump on the ZyXEL modem?

PC magazine 1993 June 29,Vol 12, No 12 p 272 reports that the U-1496S+ uses a 
Texas Instruments data pump and that the U-1496E uses a ZyXEL data pump.  Is 
this correct?

If different data pumps are used in each model, then the S+ might be 
OPERATIONALLY different from the E models.  Namely, they might perform 

Brent Mosbrook ( [ZyXEL USA] replied stating that the Texas 
Instruments and ZyXEL data pumps behave identically.  The DSPs were re-done to 
eliminate the daughterboard on some models.  The models without the 
daughterboard have DSPs which say ZyXEL, while the daughterboard equiped units 
say TI.  Again, there is no real difference and they behave identically.

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Top Document: ZyXEL modem FAQ List v4.2, Nov 20 1995, Part 3 of 5 [Technical FAQs]
Previous Document: T.6 How do ZyXEL modems deal with escape sequences?
Next Document: T.7A What is the advantage of this design?

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