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Meteorology FAQ Part 7/7: List of US State Climatologists

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Archive-name: meteorology/state-climatologists
Last-modified: 1 April 2000

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  Meteorology FAQ Part 2/7: Sources of weather data
  Meteorology FAQ Part 3/7: Sources of research data
  Meteorology FAQ Part 4/7: Sources of CD-ROMs
  Meteorology FAQ Part 5/7: Internet resources
  Meteorology FAQ Part 6/7: Print and other resources
  Meteorology FAQ Part 7/7: List of US State Climatologists  <=== 

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Subject: 1) Table of contents 1) Table of contents 2) Overview 3) State Climatologists 4) Regional Climate Centers
Subject: 2) Overview If you are looking for historical information for a US location, your best bet would be to contact the state climatologist for the area of interest. This unofficial list was compiled from a variety of sources, including the official list of State Climatologists, which is available from John Hughes at NCDC, Key to abbreviations: T = Telephone O = Omnet F = Fax B = Bitnet TM = Telemail I = Internet URL = www URL
Subject: 3) State Climatologists Alabama Dr. Richard McNider Department of Atmospheric Sciences University of Alabama in Huntsville 977 Explorer Drive Huntsville, AL 35806 T: 205-922-5752 F: 205-922-5755 I: Alaska Dr. Dwight D. Pollard Alaska State Climate Center Environment and Natural Resources Institute 707 A Street Anchorage, AK 99501 T: 907-257-2741 F: 907-276-6847 I: Arizona Dr. Anthony J. Brazel Laboratory of Climatology Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-1508 T: 602-965-6265 B: <URL:> Arkansas Dr. John G. Hehr Dept of Geography Ozark Hall 108A University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 T: 501-575-3159 F: 501-575-2642 I: California Mr. William A. Mork CA Dept of Water Resources Division of Flood Management P.O. Box 942836 Sacramento, CA 94236-0001 T: 916-653-7237 Colorado Dr. Thomas McKee Colorado Climate Center Dept of Atmospheric Science Colorado State University Ft. Collins, CO 80523 T: 303-491-8545 I: (Nolan Doesken, Asst. SC) <URL:> Connecticut Dr. David R. Miller Dept of Natural Resources-U87 1376 Storrs Road University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 06269-4087 T: 203-486-2840 B: dmiller@uconnvm Delaware Dr. Daniel J. Leathers Center for Climatic Research 210 Newark Hall Dept of Geography University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 T: 302-831-2294 F: 302-831-6654 <URL:> Florida Dr. Kevin Kloesel Dept of Meteorology Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-3034 T: 904-644-1268 I: <URL:> Georgia Dr. Bill Bell State Climate Office Driftmier Engineering Center University of Georgia T: 706-542-6067 F: 706-542-8806 I: <URL:> Hawaii Mr. Manabu Tagomori State Dept of Land & Natural Resources Div. of Water & Land Dev. P.O. Box 373 Honolulu, HI 96809 T: 808-587-0230 Idaho Dr. Myron Molnau Biological and Agricultural Engineering Dept 425 Engineering/Physics Building University of Idaho Moscow, ID 83844-0904 T: 208-885-6184 F: 208-885-7908 I: <URL:> Illinois Dr. Wayne M. Wendland Illinois State Water Survey 2204 Griffith Drive Champaign, IL 61820-7495 T: 217-333-0729 F: 217-333-6540 I: Indiana Mr. Ken Scheeringa Dept. of Agronomy 1150 Lilly Hall Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907-1150 T: 317-494-8105 F: 317-496-2926 I: Iowa Mr. Harry J. Hillaker, Jr. State Climatologist 9607 NW Beaver Drive Johnston, IA 50131 T: 515-270-6907 Kansas Ms. Mary Knapp (acting) Weather Data Library 211 Umberger Hall Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66506-3400 T: 913-532-6270 F: 913-532-6487 Kentucky Mr. Glen Conner Kentucky Climate Center Dept. of Geography & Geology Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY 42101 T: 502-745-4555 I: <URL:> Louisiana Mr. John M. Grymes, III LA Office of State Climatology Southern Regional Climate Center Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4105 T: 504-388-6870 F: 504-388-2912 I: Maine Dr. Bernard E. Dethier University of Maine PO Box 745 Blue Hill, ME 04614 T: 207-582-3224 Maryland Dr. Alan Robock State Climatologist Dept. of Meteorology University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742-2425 T: 301-405-5377 T: 301-405-7223 for climate information F: 301-314-9482 I: I: for climate information <URL:> Massachusetts Dr. David Taylor State Climatologist Mass Dept of Water Resources 496 Park Street North Reading, MA 01864 T: 617-275-8860 ext 138 F: 617-271-0178 Michigan Dr. Fred V. Nurnberger MDA/Climatology Program 417 Natural Science Building Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 T: 517-373-8383 or 355-0231 F: 517-432-1076 TM: [climatology/mda]tm11/usa I: Minnesota Mr. Jim Zandlo State Climatology Office University of Minnesota S-325 Borlaug Hall St. Paul, MN 55108 T: 612-296-4214 F: 612-625-2208 I: <URL:> Mississippi Dr. Charles L. Wax MS State Climatologist Drawer 5167 Mississippi State University Mississippi State, MS 39762 T: 601-325-3915 I: Missouri Steve Qi Hu University of Missouri-Columbia Department of Soil and Atmospheric Sciences 100 Gentry Hall Columbia, Missouri 65211 T: 573-882-7437 or 6591 I: Montana Dr. Jon M. Wraith Plant & Soil Science Dept. Montana State University Bozeman, MT 59717-0312 T: 406-994-5067 F: 406-994-3933 I: Nebraska Mr. Allen Dutcher Nebraska State Climatologist 239 Chase Hall High Plains Climate Center University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68583-0728 T: 402-472-5206 F: 402-472-6614 O: k.hubbard B: agme003@unlvm.bitnet I: Nevada Professor John W. James Dept of Geography College of Arts & Sciences University of Nevada/Reno Reno, NV 89557-0048 T: 702-784-6995 New Hampshire Dr. Barry D. Keim Department of Geography James Hall University of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824 P: 603-862-3136 F: 603-862-2649 I: <URL:> New Jersey Dr. David Robinson Office of the State Climatologist Dept. of Meteorology Cook College Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08903 T: 908-445-4741/9588 F: 908-445-0006 I: <URL:> New Mexico No S.C. at this time; the New Mexico Climate Center is at NMSU <URL:> New York Mr. Keith L. Eggleston 1117 Bradfield Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 T: 607-255-1749 F: 607-255-2106 I: <URL:> North Carolina Dr. Sethu Raman Dept. of Marine/Earth/Atmos Science Box 8208 NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695-8208 T: 919-515-1440 or 3056 F: 919-515-7802 I: <URL:> North Dakota Professor John W. Enz Dept. of Soils Science North Dakota State University Fargo, ND 58105-5638 T: 701-237-8576 F: 701-237-7851 Ohio Dr. Jeffrey C. Rogers Dept. of Geography 1036 Derby Hall The Ohio State University Columbus, OH 43210-1361 T: 614-292-0148 F: 614-292-6213 I: Oklahoma Dr. Ken Crawford Oklahoma Climatological Survey University of Oklahoma Sarkey's Energy Center 100 East Boyd, Suite 1210 Norman, OK 73019-0628 T: 405-325-2541 F: 405-325-2550 I: <URL:> Oregon George H. Taylor Office of the State Climatologist 326 Strand AG Hall Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-2209 T: 503-737-5705 F: 541-737-5710 I: <URL:> Pennsylvania Paul Knight 606 Walker Building University Park, PA 16802 T: 814-863-4229 I: <URL:> Puerto Rico Dr. Amos Winter Dept. of Marine Sciences College of Arts and Sciences University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, PR 00709-5000 T: 809-265-3838 F: 809-265-2880 Rhode Island Mr. Carl D. Sawyer Dept. of Plant Sciences Room 333, Woodward Hall University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 02881 T: 401-792-2937 I: South Carolina Dr. Michael Helfert SC State Climate Office 1201 Main Street, Suite 1100 Columbia, SC 29201 T: 803-737-0800 F: 803-765-9080 I: <URL:> South Dakota Mr. Alan R. Bender AG Engineering Dept. South Dakota State University Brookings, SD 57007 T: 605-688-5678 F: 605-688-4917 <URL:> Tennessee Mr. Wayne Hamberger Tennessee Valley Authority Evans Building EB3W307A 400 West Summit Hill Dr. Knoxville, TN 37902-1499 T: 615-632-4222 Texas Professor John F. Griffiths Meteorology Dept. Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-3150 T: 409-845-8076/5044 F: 409-862-4466 I: Utah Dr. Donald T. Jensen Utah State Climatologist Utah Climate Center Utah State University Logan, UT 84332-4825 T: 801-797-2190 F: 801-797-2117 I: <URL:> Vermont Dr. Aulis Lind Dept. of Geography Old Mill Bldg., Room 112 University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05405-0114 T: 802-656-3060 F: 802-656-8429 I: Virginia Dr. Patrick J. Michaels Virginia State Climate Office Clark Hall University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 22903 T: 804-924-0549/7761 <URL:> Washington Mr. Mark Albright (acting) Atmospheric Sciences Dept. University of Washington, AK-40 Seattle, WA 98195 T: 206-543-0448 F: 206-543-0308 I: West Virginia Dr. Stanley J. Tajchman Division of Forestry P.O. Box 6125 West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506-6125 T: 304-293-3411 F: 304-293-2441 Wisconsin Ms. Pam Naber Knox State Climatologist Office University of Wisconsin 1225 West Dayton Street Madison, WI 53706-1612 T: 608-263-2374 F: 608-262-5964 I: Wyoming Dr. Victor Hasfurther Wyoming Water Resources Center University of Wyoming P.O. Box 3067, UNN Station Laramie, WY 82071 T: 307-766-2143 F: 307-766-3718 B: rwrwwrc@wyocdcl.bitnet
Subject: 4) Regional Climate Centers Dr. Richard Reinhardt, Director Western Regional Climate Center PO Box 60220 Reno, NV 89506-0220 T: 702-677-3106 (Data requests) T: 702-677-3103 (Administrative) F: 702-677-3157 I: (generic) I: <URL:> Dr. Kenneth Kunkel, Director Midwestern Regional Climate Center Illinois State Water Survey 2204 Griffith Drive Champaign, IL 61820 T: 217-244-1488 F: 217-333-6540 I: <URL:> Dr Warren Knapp, Director Northeast Regional Climate Center 1107 Bradfield Hall Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 T: 607-255-1751 F: 607-255-2106 I: <URL:> Dr. Robert Muller, Director Southern Regional Climate Center Louisiana State University 254 How-Russell Complex Baton Rouge, LA 70803-4105 T: 504-388-6870 F: 504-388-2520 I: <URL:> Dr Kenneth G. Hubbard, Director High Plains Climate Center Dept of Agricultural Meteorology Room 242, L.W. Chase Hall University of Nebraska Lincoln, NE 68583-0728 T: 402-472-6706 F: 402-472-6614 I: <URL:> Dr. Michael Helfert, Director Southeast Regional Climate Center SCDNR-WRD 1201 Main Street, Suite 1100 Columbia, SC 29201 T: 803-737-0811 OR 0800 F: 803-765-9080 I: <URL:>

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