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Meteorology FAQ Part 1/7: Intro
Section - 4) How to use the file retrieval methods

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Top Document: Meteorology FAQ Part 1/7: Intro
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See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
  This section only describes FTP and telnet in any detail;  for other
methods, FTP sites are given, so you can get information on them yourself.

How to use FTP
  FTP (File Transfer Protocol) allows transfer of files between two computers which are on the Internet.  To access the FTP areas listed here, at your system prompt type "ftp" followed by the name of the desired system.  For example, to access you'd type
Use "anonymous" as your login and your email address as the password (if requested).
  [Note: quotes ("like this") are used to set off names of directories and files, or commands you'd type, and are not part of these names.]
  Not all FTP systems accept the same commands, but here's a list of the most useful:
	ls:     list files in the current directory.
	cd:     change directory, e.g. "cd wx" changes to the wx directory.
	binary: sets binary mode
	ascii:  sets ascii mode (the default).  Use for retrieving text.
	get:    retrieves a file, e.g. "get readme" gets a file called readme.
	bye:    exits FTP.
  If you can't seem to connect to the site, check to see if it is a telnet site.  If it is, follow the instructions in the following section instead. If you can't FTP from your site, use one of the following ftp-by-mail servers:     

Send an e-mail message to the closest address, with the lines:
	reply your_address@some.where     <- with your email address
	connect         <- for example
	cd datasets/ds111.2/software
	get access_sun.f

For complete instructions, send a one-line message reading "help" to the server.  Please don't ask me for help!

How to use telnet

Type "telnet" followed by the name or IP number of the desired system.  These publicly accessible systems generally allow you to log in but put you in a restricted shell, from which only a certain menu of commands is available.
The description for the site will include the login to use.
  If you can't seem to connect to the site, re-check its description in the document; if it's an FTP site, follow the instructions in the previous section instead.

Gopher information

Available by ftp at <URL:>.

Wais information

Available by ftp at 

WWW information

Available by ftp at <URL:>.
WWW is so easy to use that you might as well just hop in and try it, so 
ask your sysadmin if you have a WWW browser such as NCSA Mosaic Netscape or Explorer.

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Top Document: Meteorology FAQ Part 1/7: Intro
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM