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Section - 24. I always loved playing [Pacman, Star Wars, Frogger, etc.] at the arcade. Is there a Mac version?

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Previous Document: 23. Where can I find shareware games for young children?
Next Document: 25. What games will fail to run on my [AV Mac, PowerMac, bizarrely configured Mac]? How do I fix them?
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Probably.  John Komp maintains a list of Mac versions of various 80's
arcade games, and Peter Cohen has made it available on the WWW at
<>.  You can also send email with
the subject "Mac Arcade List Please" to him at <>.

>From  John's Arcade List:
"If you can't quite remember how your favorite arcade game of your
childhood worked, check out KLOV (Killer List Of Videogames) on It contains nice descriptions of the original
games, including information about who marketed each game, and
who received licensing from whom. I believe the directory is:

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Top Document: FAQ
Previous Document: 23. Where can I find shareware games for young children?
Next Document: 25. What games will fail to run on my [AV Mac, PowerMac, bizarrely configured Mac]? How do I fix them?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM