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Kerberos FAQ, v2.0 (last modified 8/18/2000)
Section - 2.22. What is the difference between the "-a valid" and the "-a user" flags for telnetd?

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Top Document: Kerberos FAQ, v2.0 (last modified 8/18/2000)
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In the current MIT release, there is no difference due to a bug in telnetd.
Here's a patch that fixes this and makes the these flags behave according to
the man page.

Index: lib/appl/telnet/libtelnet/kerberos.c
--- kerberos.c  1997/06/02 21:54:38
+++ kerberos.c  1997/08/25 23:12:44     1.3
@@ -435,8 +430,15 @@
        if (UserNameRequested && !kuserok(&adat, UserNameRequested)) {
                strcpy(name, UserNameRequested);
-       } else
+       } else {
+               /*
+                * Always copy in UserNameRequested if the authentication
+                * is valid, because the higher level routines need it.
+                */
+               if (UserNameRequested)
+                       strcpy(name, UserNameRequested);
+       }

 #define        BUMP(buf, len)          while (*(buf)) {++(buf), --(len);}
Index: lib/appl/telnet/libtelnet/kerberos5.c
--- kerberos5.c 1997/12/15 18:51:31
+++ kerberos5.c 1997/12/15 19:15:50     1.4
@@ -682,8 +690,16 @@
                strcpy(name, UserNameRequested);
-       } else
+       } else {
+               /*
+                * Always copy in UserNameRequested if the authentication
+                * is valid, because the higher level routines need it.
+                */
+               if (UserNameRequested)
+                       strcpy(name, UserNameRequested);
+       }

 #define        BUMP(buf, len)          while (*(buf)) {++(buf), --(len);}

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