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Judaism Reading List: Reform Judaism (Pt. IV)
Section - Where Can I Get These Books From?

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Top Document: Judaism Reading List: Reform Judaism (Pt. IV)
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   Many of these books are available through general bookstores or
   Judaica bookstores. A list of links to these may be found in the
   [6]sources section of the [7]General Reading List (if you are reading
   this at [8], you can simply click on the "Sources"
   button in the header navigation bar). The following are sources for
   material specific to the Reform or Progressive Judaism movements:
     * CCAR Press. [9]
       Publishers of liturgical and reference material for the Reform
     * UAHC Press. [10]
       Publishers of a large amount of material dealing with the Reform
   [Amazon Associate] In addition, the S.C.J Reading List has established
   an affiliate relationship with Amazon.Com.
   ([11] Now you can complete your Reform Jewish
   library and support the continued development of the Reading Lists at
   the same time, for many UAHC and CCAR publications are available
   through Amazon. Additionally, many of the publications that reflect
   Reform Jewish position are published through publishers that work with
   Amazon (for example, Jewish Lights). For those reading this at
   [12], you can click the link to the
   left to browse Amazon's selections. Alternatively, if you enter Amazon
   using the URL
   sh, the reading lists will get credit for your entry. Additionally,
   when you see the Amazon graphic [14][If you were at,
   the graphic would be here] (or "[Buy at Amazon: http:...]") on an
   entry in the reading list, this indicates that the specific book is
   available for purchase at Amazon. Click on the graphic/link to go to
   Amazon and purchase the book.

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Top Document: Judaism Reading List: Reform Judaism (Pt. IV)
Previous Document: ORGANIZATION
Next Document: Reform Beliefs

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM