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Judaism Reading List: Reconstructionist Judaism (Pt. VI)
Section - Reconstructionist Liturgy

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          Teutsch, David A. (ed). Kol Haneshamah: Shirim Uvrahot: Songs
          and Blessings. The Reconstructionist Press, 1991. Jewish
          Reconstructionist Federation; 2000. Hardcover. ISBN
          0-935457-44-5. [Songs, Blessing and Rituals For the Home --
          includes music; also available is an audio tape to accompany
          the book.]
          [6][Buy at Amazon:

          Teutsch, David A. (ed). Kol Haneshamah: Shabbat Vehagim. The
          Reconstructionist Press, 1994. Jewish Reconstructionist
          Federation; 1996. Hardcover. 3rd ed. ISBN 0-935457-46-1.
          [Sabbath and Holidays Prayerbook; includes a revised version of
          the Erev Shabbat book]
          [7][Buy at Amazon:

          Teutsch, David A. (ed). Kol Haneshamah: Limot Hol (Daily Prayer
          Book). The Reconstructionist Press, Wyncote, Pennsylvania,
          1996. pages Jewish Reconstructionist Federation; 2000. Reprint
          edition. ISBN 0-935457-47-X. [Contains readings for use in a
          house of mourning and throughout the year]
          [8][Buy at Amazon:

          Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations and Havurot. Kol
          Haneshamah: Nashir Uneverah. Enlarged Second Edition. The
          Reconstructionist Press, Wyncote PA, 1993. [Songs and Grace
          After Meals -- words, but not music]
          Teutsch, David (ed); Rosenberg, Joel (trans). Kol Haneshamah:
          Mahzor Leyamim Nora'Im. Jewish Reconstructionist Federation;
          2000. Hardcover. ISBN 0-935457-48-8.
          [9][Buy at Amazon:

          Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation. The New Haggadah. Jewish
          Reconstructionist Foundation, New York. 1941. Out of Print.
          [Passover Liturgy]
          Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation. The Sabbath Prayer Book.
          Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, New York. 1945. Out of
          Print. [This is been superceded, but gives an idea of the early
          Kaplan, Mordecai M. High Holiday Prayerbook: Yom Kippur. Jewish
          Reconstructionist Federation; 1948. Hardcover. ISBN
          [10][Buy at Amazon:

          Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation. Festival Prayer Book.
          Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, New York. 1958. Out of
          Print. [Festival Liturgy]
          Kaplan, Mordecai M. (ed); Kohn, Eugene (ed); Eisenstein, Ira;
          Gerirtz, Gila (ed). Hagadah Shel Pesah: The New American
          Haggadah Behrman House; 1999. Paperback. Revised edition. ISBN
          [11][Buy at Amazon:

          Levitt, Joy (Editor), Strassfeld, Michael (Editor). A Night of
          Questions: A Passover Haggadah Jewish Reconstructionist
          Federation; Illustrated edition (February 22, 2000). ISBN:
          [12][Buy at Amazon:


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