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Judaism Reading List: Kabbalah and Mysticism (Pt. III)
Section - Chassidic Approaches To Spirituality

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   Note: These are not all descriptions of these approaches from the
   point of view of Chassidism. Some are from the point of view of
   scholars looking at Chassidsim. The Chassidic point of view is best
   found in the Chassidism portion of the reading list.
          Buber, Martin. Hasidism and Modern Man. Horizon, New York.
          1958. Humanity Books; 1988. Paperback. ISBN 1-573924-60-1.
          [6][Buy at Amazon:

          Buber, Martin. Origin and Meaning of Hasidism. Horizon, New
          York. 1960. Humanity Books; 1988. Paperback Reprint edition.
          ISBN 1-573924-57-1.
          [7][Buy at Amazon:

          Buber, Martin; Fetterman, Bonny V. (ed.) Tales of the Hasidim:
          Book One: The Early Masters and Book Two: The Later Masters/Two
          Books in One. Schocken Books; 1961, 1991. Paperback. ISBN
          [8][Buy at Amazon:

          Buber, Martin. Good and Evil. Prentice Hall College Div; 1980.
          Paperback. ISBN 0-023162-80-5.
          [9][Buy at Amazon:

          Buber, Martin (ed.); Mendes-Flohr, Paul R. (ed.); Cameron,
          Esther (trans.). Ecstatic Confessions: The Heart of Mysticism
          (Martin Buber Library). Syracuse Univ Pr; 1996. Trade
          paperback. ISBN 0-815604-22-X.
          [10][Buy at Amazon:

          Hundert, Gershon David (ed). Essential Papers on Hasidism:
          Origins to Present. New York Univ Pr; 1991. Paperback. ISBN
          [11][Buy at Amazon:

          Jacobs, Louis. The Seeker of Unity: The Life and Works of Aaron
          of Starosselje. Basic Books, New York. 1966.
          Kantor, Mattis. Chassidic Insights: A Guide for the Entangled.
          Naran Chai Publications, Suite 272 119 Rockland Center, Nahuet
          NY, 10954. 1990. Out of Print
          Kaplan, Aryeh. The Light Beyond: Adventures in Hassidic
          Thought. Moznaim, NY. 1981. [Collection of Chassidic sayings]
          Kaplan, Aryeh. Chassidic Masters. Moznaim, NY. 1984. Hardcover.
          ISBN 0-940118-33-5. [Short biographies and excerpts from works
          of leading Chassidic rebbes of the 1st and 2nd generation]
          [12][Buy at Amazon:

          Mintz, Jerome R. and Ben Amos, Dan. In Praise of the Baal Shem
          Tov (Shivhei ha-Besht): The Earliest Collections of Legends
          about the Founder of Hasidism. Indiana University, Bloomington
          IN. 1970. Jason Aronson; 1994. Hardcover. ISBN 1-568211-47-3.
          [13][Buy at Amazon:

          Schochet, Jacob Immanuel. The Mystical Tradition: Insights into
          the Nature of the Mystical Tradition in Judaism (The Mystical
          Dimension, Vol. 1). Kehot Publication Society; 1990. Hardcover.
          Volume 1. ISBN 0-826605-28-1.
          [14][Buy at Amazon:

          Schochet, Jacob Immanuel. 'Deep Calling Unto Deep': The
          Dynamics of Prayer and Teshuvah in the Perspective of
          Chassidism (Mystical Dimension, Vol. 2). Kehot Publication
          Society; 1990. Hardcover. Volume 2. ISBN 0-826605-29-X.
          [15][Buy at Amazon:

          Schneerson, Yosef Yitzchak (trans); Posner, Zalman I. (trans).
          On the Study of Chasidus: A Trilogy of Chasidic Essays, Some
          Aspects of Chabad Chasidism, on the Teachings of Chasidus, on
          Learning Chasidus. Kehot Publication Society; 1961, 1998.
          Hardcover. ISBN 0-826604-38-2.
          [16][Buy at Amazon:

          Wertheim, Aaron; Himelstein, Shmuel (trans). Laws and Custom in
          Hasidism. Ktav Publishing House; 1992. Hardcover. ISBN
          [17][Buy at Amazon:

          Zevin, Shelomoh Yosef (ed); Kaploun, Uri (ed). A Treasury of
          Chassidic Tales: On the Festivals (Artscroll Judaica Series).
          Mesorah Publications Ltd.; 1986. Hardcover. ISBN 0-899069-12-6.
          [18][Buy at Amazon:

          ish/] [19][Buy at Artscroll:
          Zevin, Shelomoh Yosef (ed); Kaploun, Uri (ed). A Treasury of
          Chassidic Tales: On the Torah (Artscroll Judaica Series).
          Mesorah Publications Ltd.; 1986. Hardcover. ISBN 0-899069-00-2.
          [20][Buy at Amazon:

          ish/] [21][Buy at Artscroll:

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