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Judaism Reading List: Kabbalah and Mysticism (Pt. III)
Section - Religious Treatments of Kaballah

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Top Document: Judaism Reading List: Kabbalah and Mysticism (Pt. III)
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          Ashlag, Rabbi Yehudah Lev In the Shadow of the Ladder:
          Introductions to Kabbalah. Nehora Press; (April 1, 2003). ISBN:
          9657222087[Gives a great English translation of serious works
          by Rav Ashlag the Baal HaSulam (1886-1955) plus all the help in
          keywords and definitions to enable both the serious student and
          the novice access to an important teacher of the 20th century.]
          [6][Buy at Amazon:

          Band, Arnold J. Nahman of Bratslav: The Tales. Paulist Press;
          1988. Paperback. ISBN 0-809121-03-4. [Although Paulist Press is
          a Christian publishing house, Dr. Band is a long-time professor
          of Jewish Studies at UCLA]
          [7][Buy at Amazon:

          Bokser, Ben Zion (trans). Abraham Isaac Kook: The Lights of
          Penitance, Lights of Holiness: The Moral Principles, Essays,
          Letters and Poems. Paulist Press; 1978. Paperback. ISBN
          [8][Buy at Amazon:

          Kaplan, Aryeh. Meditation and the Bible. Samuel Weiser; 1978,
          1988. Paperback. ISBN 0-877286-17-5.
          [9][Buy at Amazon:

          Kaplan, Aryeh (trans.) The Bahir: An Ancient Kabbalistic Text
          Attributed to Rabbi Nehuniah ben HaKana, First Century, C.E.
          Samuel Weiser; 1979, 1990. Paperback. ISBN 0-877286-18-3.
          [10][Buy at Amazon:

          Kaplan, Aryeh. Meditation and Kabbalah. Samuel Weiser; 1985,
          1989. Paperback reissue edition. ISBN 0-877286-16-7.
          [11][Buy at Amazon:

          Kaplan, Aryeh. Innerspace, Introduction to Kabbalah,
          Meditation, and Prophecy. Maznaim Publishing Corp., 4304 12th
          Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11219, 718-438-7680, New
          York/Jerusalem, 1990.
          Kaplan, Aryeh (ed). Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation.
          Samuel Weiser; 1990, 1997. Paperback revised edition. ISBN
          [12][Buy at Amazon:

          Kaplan, Aryeh. Jewish Meditation: A Practical Guide. Schocken
          Books; 1995. Paperback reprint edition. ISBN 0-805210-37-7.
          [13][Buy at Amazon:

          Posner, Zalman; Sacks, Jonathan; Block, Yitzchok; Even-Yisroel,
          Adin. To Touch the Divine: A Jewish Mysticism Primer. Kehot
          Publication Society; 1998. Hardcover. ISBN 0-826604-94-3.
          [14][Buy at Amazon:

          Robinson, Ira. Moses Cordovero's Introduction to Kabbalah: An
          Annotated Translation of His Or Ne'erav. Yeshiva University
          Press (New York) and Ktav Publishing (Hoboken, New Jersey).
          1993. Out of Print. [This is a classic text authored by the
          Rama"k, who headed the the Safed community just before the
          Ariza"l (Rabbi Yitzkhak Luria). It is an indispensible
          introduction for the serious student. Try to learn it in Hebrew
          if you are able.]
          Sperling Harry, and Simon, Maruice, trans. The Zohar. Soncino,
          London. 1933. Out of Print. [Difficult to read without Hebrew
          Weiner, Herbert. 9 1/2 Mystics, The Kabbala Today. Holt
          Rinehard and Winston, New York. 1969. Touchstone Pr; 1992.
          Paperback. ISBN 0-684843-25-0.
          [15][Buy at Amazon:


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