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Judaism Reading List: Introduction and General (Pt. I)
Section - The following is an index to all the SCJ Reading Lists. It is grouped by the files available through the SCJ FAQ Autoretriever.

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Top Document: Judaism Reading List: Introduction and General (Pt. I)
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   [3]Introduction/General Reading List 
   [4]Traditional Life and Practice Reading List 
   [5]Kabbalah, Mysticism, and Messianism Reading List 
   [6]Reform Judaism Reading List 
   [7]Conservative Judaism Reading List 
   [8]Reconstructionist Judaism Reading List 
   [9]Humanistic Judaism Reading List 
   [10]Chassidism Reading List 
   [11]Zionism Reading List 
   [12]Antisemitism Reading List 
   [13]Intermarriage Reading List 
   [14]Books for Jewish Children 
   [15]Archival Information
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   (c)1996-2000 Daniel P. Faigin.
   Maintained by: Daniel P. Faigin <[18]>.


   1. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/fm-hl-index.html
   2. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/intro.html
   3. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/gen-index.html
   4. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/tra-index.html
   5. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/mys-index.html
   6. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/jlu-index.html
   7. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/jcu-index.html
   8. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/jrc-index.html
   9. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/jsh-index.html
  10. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/joc-index.html
  11. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/zio-index.html
  12. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/ant-index.html
  13. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/int-index.html
  14. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/kid-index.html
  15. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/rl/archival.html
  16. file://localhost/home/faigin/S.C.J/HTML/faq/index.html
   The following is an index to the questions and other information contained
   in each section:

   Part I:    Introduction and General
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List 
     * [9]Where Can I Get These Books From? 
     * [10]But The List is So Long, Where Should I Start? 
     * [11]For Non-Jewish Readers 
     * [12]General Judaism 
     * [13]General Jewish Thought 
     * [14]General Jewish History 
     * [15]Contemporary Judaism
     * [16]Noachide Laws 
     * [17]Torah and Talmud 
     * [18]Mishnah
     * [19]Torah and Talmudic Commentary 
     * [20]Midrash 
     * [21]Halachic Codes 
     * [22]Becoming An Observant Jew 
     * [23]Women and Judaism 
     * [24]Science and Judaism 
     * [25]Credits for this List
   Part II:   Traditional Liturgy, Practice, Lifestyle, Holidays
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List 
     * [9]Traditional Liturgy 
     * [10]Traditional Philosophy and Ethics 
     * [11]Responsa Literature 
     * [12]Prayer 
     * [13]Traditional Practice 
     * [14]The Household 
     * [15]Life, Death, and In-Between 
     * [16]The Cycle Of Holidays 
     * [17]Credits
   Part III:  Kabbalah, Mysticism, and Messianism
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List 
     * [9]Academic Treatments of Kaballah 
     * [10]Religious Treatments of Kaballah 
     * [11]Spirituality 
     * [12]The Messiah 
     * [13]Chassidic Approaches To Spirituality 
     * [14]Credits
   Part IV: Reform Judaism
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List 
     * [9]Where Can I Get These Books From? 
     * [10]Reform Beliefs 
     * [11]Reform Rituals and Practice
     * [12]Reform Liturgy 
     * [13]Reform Responsa 
     * [14]Reform History 
     * [15]The Bible 
     * [16]The Rabbinate 
     * [17]Credits
   Part V: Conservative Judaism
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List
     * [9]Conservative Beliefs
     * [10]Conservative Practices
     * [11]Conservative History
     * [12]Conservative Liturgy
     * [13]Credits
   Part VI: Reconstructionist Judaism
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List 
     * [9]Philosophy Of Movement 
     * [10]Reconstructionist Education 
     * [11]Reconstructionist Liturgy 
     * [12]Credits
   Part VII: Humanistic Judaism
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List
     * [9]Philosophy Of Movement
     * [10]Other Related Reading
     * [11]Credits
   Part VIII: Chassidism
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List
     * [9]Historical Chassidism
     * [10]Chassidic Approaches: Lubavitch
     * [11]Chassidic Approaches: Satmar Chassidism
     * [12]Chassidic Approaches: Breslov Chassidism
     * [13]Chassidic Approaches: Other Approaches
     * [14]Credits
   Part IX: Zionism
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List
     * [9]Zionism and The Development Of Israel
     * [10]The Founders
     * [11]Zionistic Movements
     * [12]Zionism in Israel Today
     * [13]Credits
   Part X: Antisemitism
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List
     * [9]Antisemitism
     * [10]What Led to The Holocaust
     * [11]Medieval Oppression
     * [12]Antisemitism Today (Including Dealing with Hate Groups)
     * [13]Judaism and Christianity
     * [14]Judaism, Freemasonry and other rumors
     * [15]Credits
   Part XI: Intermarriage
     * [8]Introduction to this Reading List
     * [9]So You're Considering Intermarriage?
     * [10]The Traditional Viewpoint
     * [11]Conversion
     * [12]You've Done The Deed. Coping With Life As An Intermarried
     * [13]Credits
   Part XII: Books for Jewish Children
     * [7]Introduction to this Reading List 
     * [8]Birth and Naming
     * [9]Raising a Child
     * [10]Family Guidebooks
     * [11]Ceremonies: From Upsheren to Confirmation
     * [12]Holiday Books for Children
     * [13]Liturgy for Children
     * [14]Bible and Torah for Children
     * [15]Jewish History for Children
     * [16]Jewish Theology for Children
     * [17]Israel
     * [18]Learning Hebrew
     * [19]Jewish Stories
     * [20]Credits

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM