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Judaism Reading List: Chasidism (Pt. VIII)
Section - Chassidic Approaches: Satmar Chassidism

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          Eisenberg, Robert. Boychiks in the Hood: Travels in the Hasidic
          Underground. Harper San Francisco; 1996. Paperback. ISBN
          0-062512-23-4. [Chapter 1 of this book is about a visit to
          Satmar in Williamsburg, giving brief but vivid pictures of
          various individuals, including rebels, interspersed with
          information which tends to emphasize the controversial but also
          shows admiration. Satmarers appear here and there throughout
          this entertaining book, which overall gives some context for
          their way of life. (Rabbi Justin Jaron Lewis)]
          [6][Buy at Amazon:

          Finkel, Avraham Yaakov. Contemporary Sages: The Great Chasidic
          Masters of the Twentieth Century. Jason Aronson; 1994.
          Hardcover. ISBN 1-568211-55-4. [This book presents brief
          biographical notes, selections of teachings, and photographs of
          37 Hasidic Rebbes of the twentieth century. The brief chapter
          on "Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum of Satmar -- Reb Yoilish, the
          Satmarer Rebbe" includes a photograph of the late Rebbe's
          soulful face, information on his lineage and early years, and a
          summary of the growth of Satmar Hasidism in New York with its
          many educational and charitable institutions. Most importantly,
          it includes the only selection of Satmar teachings available in
          English, giving some sense of the forcefulness of the Rebbe's
          words and of the religious underpinnings of Satmar's
          controversial opposition to Zionism. (Rabbi Justin Jaron
          [7][Buy at Amazon:

          Kranzler, George. Hasidic Williamsburg: A Contemporary American
          Hasidic Community. Jason Aronson; 1995. Hardcover. ISBN
          1-568212-42-9. [This book is a sequel to Williamsburg: A Jewish
          Community in Transition (1961), which traced developments in
          Jewish Williamsburg from before the postwar Hasidic
          immigration. In this book the emphasis is on the leading role
          of Satmar and its Rebbes. It is based on written surveys and
          interviews, and includes many quotations from, and descriptions
          of, ordinary Hasidim as well as leaders of the community. This
          study includes much information on the Satmar community, from
          the family (Chapter 4) to the broader social structure (Chapter
          5) to interactions with the outside world through political and
          economic activity (Chapters 2 and 8). A hagiographic biography
          of the late Rebbe is also included (Appendix B). Kranzler
          writes with unrestricted admiration for Satmar; he dismisses as
          unimportant the tensions around the succession of the new Rebbe
          as well as other potentially controversial issues. (Rabbi
          Justin Jaron Lewis)]
          [8][Buy at Amazon:

          Kremer, Ya'a'kov Mosheh. Sefer Yam shel Shemu'el : Khidushim
          Et' u-ve'urim 'al pesu'ke ha-Torah, Nevi'im u-Khetuvim
          u-ma'amre Hazal ha-kedoshim Chubar. Kefar Gid'yon: Y.M. Kremer.
          Lewy, Josef, of Brooklyn. Sefer Minhag Yi'sra'el Torah:
          Ma'tarato le-har'ot ma'kor 'tahor le-minhage Yi'sra'el ... 'al
          pi seder ha-simanim be-Shulchan arukh Ora'h 'hayim Brooklyn:
          Le-ha'sig ha-sefer etsel Y. Lewy. 1993.
          Mintz, Jerome R. The Challenge of Piety: Satmar Hasidim in New
          York. Gina Keyahoff Pub; 1995. Hardcover. Reissue edition. ISBN
          [9][Buy at Amazon:

          Mintz, Jerome R. The Challenge of Piety: Satmar Hasidim in New
          York. Gina Keyahoff Pub; 1995. Hardcover. Reissue edition. ISBN
          [10][Buy at Amazon:

          Roth, Aaron. Sefer Avodat ha-Bore. Jerusalem: M. Blum. 1989.
          Poll, Solomon. The Hasidic Community of Williamsburg, New York.
          Free Press of Glencoe (division of Crowell-Collier); 1962. ISBN
          0-805202-09-9. Out of Print. [This book gives a highly readable
          account of Hasidic life in Williamsburg that is still largely
          applicable today. It mentions Satmar by name only in passing,
          but most of what is said here in general can be applied to
          Satmar specifically. The book focuses on the facets of Hasidic
          life most likely to strike an outsider as strange, providing
          useful context in terms of underlying values and historical
          background. It gives little sense of individuals, but paints
          striking pictures of social types, especially in Chapter 7,
          "The Social Stratification of the Hasidic Community". It also
          conveys a sense of Hasidic voices through translations of
          newspaper advertisements, circular letters from impoverished
          rabbis, and the like. The mingling of religious concerns with
          daily life is described engagingly, especially the multiple
          effects of strictness about kashrut (175-212). Only the
          historical background (in Chapters 1-5) is a little narrowly
          focused, and could give the impression that all Hasidim are
          from Hungary and live in Williamsburg. (Rabbi Justin Jaron
          [11][Buy at Amazon:

          Rubin, Israel. Satmar: Two Generations of an Urban Island.
          Peter Lang Publishing; 1997. Hardcover. 2nd edition. ISBN
          0-820407-59-3.[This book is an updated version of Satmar: An
          Island in the City (1972); each of the original chapters is
          followed by a supplement taking stock of changes in the
          intervening years. It is based on interviews and impressions
          from time spent in the community. It presents pictures in broad
          strokes more than detailed analysis. This book gives fuller
          treatment to historical background and religion than Kranzler.
          The book evinces admiration for Satmar but has a more critical
          eye than Kranzler; in particular, this book gives greater
          weight to internal struggles in the community following the
          succession of the new Rebbe, and to changes which may result
          from this (such as greater independence from the Rebbe in
          individual decision-making). It also identifies indications of
          slow and subtle Americanization. (Rabbi Justin Jaron Lewis)]
          [12][Buy at Amazon:

          Schwartz, Lemel. Sidur Tefilah le-Mosheh: Nusach Sefard: Kolel
          kol ha-tefilot li-yeme ha-'hol 'im perush me-Asher shemenah
          be-Idish Brooklyn, N.Y. : L. Schwartz. 1992.
          Scher, Anshel. Sefer Bene betkha: 'al hilkhot nidah Sa'
          u-tevilah ... 've-gam pata'hti vo sha'ar ha-bayit ... uve-sofo
          hosafnu kun'tres halakhot u-minhagim li-yeme 'ibur, ledah,
          va-hana'kah. Brooklyn NY: A. Shehr. 1993.
          Teitelbaum, Joel. Sefer Tehilim. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Bet mis'har
          Yerushalayim, 1974 [Psalms - Commentaries]
          Teitelbaum, Joel. Zemirot Divre Yo-el: Hidushe Torah U-minhage
          Darkhe Yesharah, Be-shabatot Li-menu Hah Ule-orah, Ve-hagim
          U-zemanim Le-sason Ule-tiferet. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Domsu Lesomor.
          1990. [Zemirot - Commentaries]
          Teitelbaum, Joel. Sefer Va-Yo-el Mosheh: Le-ba-er Dine
          Ha-shalosh Shevu-ot She-ne-emru Bi-nevu-ot, Be-inyene Kets
          Ha-yeshu-ot ... Dine Mits-vat Yeshivat E. Ha-k. Jerusalem: ?.
          Teitelbaum, Joel. Hagadah shel Pesach: Otsar peninim. Brooklyn,
          NY: Y.M. Grinfeld. 5746 [1986]. [Text of the Haggadah in Hebrew
          and Yiddish; commentary in Yiddish.]
          Teitelbaum, Joel. Sefer Agadot Mahari-t 'al Agadot ha-Shas Ta.
          Monsey, N.Y.: S.B. Klagsbald. 1993.
   Credit: Some of the information in this section was provided by Justin
   Jaron Lewis, Rabbi of Congregation Iyr HaMelech of Kingston, Ontario,
   from his Readers Guide to Judaism [ed. Michael Terry], published in
   Chicago by Fitzroy Dearborn in the year 2000.

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