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soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Section - 1.6. What discussion about circumcision is allowed?

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Attacks on parents' decision to circumcise their sons will be rejected;
however, non-judgemental questions regarding the practice of ritual
circumcision in a Jewish context are permitted.

We are not implying that all Jews are circumcised, or that all Jews choose to
circumcise their children (though that is certainly true for the majority).
We want both to protect the circumcised from the anti-circumcision extremists,
and to protect those chosing not to circumcise from the "you're not Jewish"
flames. The moderators would absolutely and categorically reject any post that
called into question the Jewishness of a parent who does not circumcise their

In addition, because we will not permit flames, S.C.J.P is a singularly
accepting place to discuss circumcision even if one's personal decision is NOT
to.  That is, one could discuss how to reconcile feelings regarding the
decision to or not to circumcise, as they relate to the issue of whether one
should under Jewish law, without inciting the wrath of either the various
anti-circumcision factions or the wrath of those Jews for whom *not*
circumcising would be sacreligious.  Moderators would, in fact, reject
responses that attacked a post for *either* reason.
In particular, it is intended that discussion of all aspects of circumcision
is permitted EXCEPT for the following areas:

        o No discussions of pro/con arguments that are unreleated to
          the Jewish aspects of the decision; that is, any "Should I
          circumcise" discussion must be grounded in reconciling that
          decision with traditional Jewish practice.

        o No attacks are permitted upon those that make a
          circumcision decision, be it to take the traditional route
          (from the anti-circumcision folks), or from those that
          chose the non-traditional route (from those following
          traditional practice). It is acceptable to state the
          position of a movement with respect to the practice, but
          this must clearly identify the particular movement (i.e.,
          "Traditional Judaism believes, not Judaism believes") and
          not make any judgements about that position, or individuals
          who do not follow that position.

Discussion of emotional issues and taking care of a child after a brit are
also expressly permitted. Anticipated discussions include how a brit is
performed, emotional preparation for circumcision, the rituals involved, the
aftermath (both medical and emotional) of circumcision, and other questions
about circumcision in a Jewish context.

Because of the particularly inflammatory nature of this topic, postings about
circumcision will be carefully reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Previous Document: 1.5. What topics are *not* appropriate for soc.culture.jewish.parenting?
Next Document: 1.7. How should I respond to inappropriate articles?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM