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soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Section - 1.2. What is the charter for soc.culture.jewish.parenting?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Previous Document: 1.1. Why is this group called soc.culture.jewish.parenting?
Next Document: 1.3. How did soc.culture.jewish.parenting get started?
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[Paragraph numbers are provided for later reference.]

[P1] This group is intended to provide a forum for discussing issues specific
to rearing children within a Jewish context.  Topics for discussion are
expected to range from very specific requests for advice and information to
broader questions about Jewish education and practice. In the context of
soc.culture.jewish.parenting, the phrase "within a Jewish context" is intended
to indicate either an environment in which the child's primary belief system
is Judaism (without regard to the belief systems of the child's caretakers),
or the Jewish aspects of a multifaith child's environment. Also, for the
purposes of this newsgroup a broad definition of Judaism is used, ranging from
Humanistic Judaism to more traditional forms, but excluding combined faith
systems such as "Messianic Judaism" (sic).

[P2] The group will be moderated. Submissions in the following areas will not
be accepted:

   o [P2.1] Questions or statements attacking, showing a lack of respect for,
     or questioning the fundamental Jewish validity of an individual's
     outlook, affiliation, or practices.
   o [P2.2] Posts that criticize a parent for *ANY* circumcision decision made
     for their son.
   o [P2.3] Medical arguments for or against circumcision.
   o [P2.4] Questions unrelated to Jewish traditions and practices in the
     context of raising a child (with one exception: introductions of
   o [P2.5] Submissions that attack an individual as opposed to an
     individual's position.

[P3] The second goal of moderation is to keep the group focused on its topic
area. To that end:

   - [P3.1] Regional announcements and commercial product reviews are
     permitted on a limited basis. Commercial announcements are not
   - [P3.2] Questions regarding general practices of Judaism not pertaining to
     raising children will be directed to soc.culture.jewish or other
     appropriate groups.
   - [P3.3] Extended discussions about halacha (religious law) will be
     directed to soc.culture.jewish if a discussion no longer deals with
     parenting-related issues.
   - [P3.4] Questions pertaining to general parenting practices will be
     directed to or other appropriate groups.
   - [P3.5] Questions and discussions regarding how to raise children in an
     intercultural environment are considered appropriate only insofar as they
     focus on Jewish aspects of the child's upbringing. Discussions concerning
     combining Judaism with other faiths are inappropriate for
     soc.culture.jewish.parenting and will be referred to more appropriate
   - [P3.6] Questions about non-Jewish religious traditions will be directed
     to the appropriate religion-focused newsgroup (e.g., alt.messianic,
     soc.religion.christian, and so forth).

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Previous Document: 1.1. Why is this group called soc.culture.jewish.parenting?
Next Document: 1.3. How did soc.culture.jewish.parenting get started?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM