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soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Section - 2.5. Why do moderators reject articles?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Previous Document: 2.4. When I submit an article, how is a moderator selected?
Next Document: 2.6 What are some tricks to writing acceptable articles?
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The primary reason is to enforce the charter of the newsgroup. If a post is
not accepted, it will be returned with an indication of why it was not
acceptable, perhaps with suggestions for revision.  If you do not get such an
indication, it is likely due to a mail system failure.  Authors will have the
ability to work with the moderators and advisors to revise rejected posts so
that they fall within the guidelines.

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Previous Document: 2.4. When I submit an article, how is a moderator selected?
Next Document: 2.6 What are some tricks to writing acceptable articles?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM