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soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Section - 1.8. Can non-Jews post to soc.culture.jewish.parenting?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
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Next Document: 1.9. (Hebrew Usage) I have a question nogaiah hilchos...
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Submissions from all individuals in all circumstances are welcome as long as
the content conforms to the guidelines discussed in this FAQ; i.e., it is the
content that will be judged, not the poster.  In particular, postings from
intermarried parents are welcome, to the extent that they address raising their
children in a Jewish context.  Families raising children in a mix of
traditions including Judaism are asked to limit their submissions to this
group to postings about the Jewish traditions and pratices in their homes.
Discussions about how to integrate Jewish traditions and practices with
whatever else you practice in your home should be redirected to
more appropriate forums. [Ref: Charter P3.5]

The goal of the newsgroup is to provide a discussion space for the Jewish
aspects of childrearing. This includes the needs of interfaith couples raising
their children as Jews, including the children's interactions with non-Jewish
relatives.  However, it *does not* include the needs of interfaith couples
raising their children outside of Judaism, nor those seeking to integrate
Jewish and non-Jewish religious observance in their households, except in so
far as they overlap with the needs of parents raising children as
Jews. Questions related to raising children in a religious environment other
than Judaism or in a multi-religious home environment will be more
appropriately answered in multicultural forums; such discussion will not be
accepted on the newsgroup.  Postings specifically addressing the Jewish
elements (cultural and/or religious) in the environment of any child's life,
environment, or upbringing (regardless of the poster or the degree of Judaism
in the child's upbringing) will be accepted; however, posts specifically
addressing the non-Jewish elements of a child's upbringing will not be

Questions about the interaction of non-Jewish children with children raised in
a Jewish environment will be accepted.

Just as welcomes non-parents and soc.culture.jewish welcomes
non-Jews, soc.culture.jewish.parenting welcomes non-Jewish parents, Jews
without children, and non-Jewish non-parents, so long as the newsgroups's
ideals are respected.

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Previous Document: 1.7. How should I respond to inappropriate articles?
Next Document: 1.9. (Hebrew Usage) I have a question nogaiah hilchos...

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM