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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12)
Section - Question 20.12: I'm interesting in ordering books or music on the internet. Where should I look?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12)
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   With the growth of the Internet, there are now many, many, many
   retailers of both secular and Jewish products on the Internet. This
   FAQ cannot claim to list them all; however, we can identify some of
   the largest ones. Note that the FAQ makes no claim as to the quality
   of any of these services. They are likely all good, but the FAQ can
   provide no guarantees.
   The line has blurred between book retailers and music retailers. In an
   effort to grow their business, many book retailers stock music and
   videos, and many music retailers stock books.
    Secular Services
   The following commercial concerns all provide a large selection of
   books and/or music, including a fair selection of Jewish books and/or
     * Amazon. [5]
     * Barnes and Noble. [6]
     * CDNow. [7]
    Jewish Retailers
   The following retailers all provide a large selection of Jewish books
   and/or Music:
     * Broders Rare and Used Books. [8]
       A good sources for the rare or used books, often not stocked by
       other retailers.
     * Jewishmall [9]
       A collection of online Jewish retailers
     * Jewishmusic.Com [10]
       Operated by Tara Publications. Stocks both books and music.
     * Judaism.Com. [11]
       Operated by US Judaica, formerly Pinsker's Bookstore in Pittsburgh
       PA. This concern is well known from their land-line number:
     * J. Levine Books and Judaica. [12]
       Based out of New York, NY. Sells books, media, and Judaica.
     * My Jewish Books. [13]
       An online discount Jewish bookstore. Orders are fulfilled by, and proceeds go to tzedakah.
     * Virtual Jerusalem Shops. [14]
       A collection of Judaica shops in a wide variety of categories.
   The following are publishers of Jewish Music or Jewish texts. You can
   often order directly from them. An additional source of Jewish
   Publishers is the Association of Jewish Book Publishers
   ([15] There is another list of
   publishers at
   Additionally, almost all "mainstream" publishing houses, such as Simon
   and Schuster ([17], Macmillan Publishers
   ([18], Doubleday
   ([19], another division of Random
   House), Random House ([20], Harper Collins
   ([21], among others, all offer
   popular Judaica in their catalogs.
   Some good publishers that focus specifically on Judaica are:
     * Artscroll/Mesorah. [22]
       Publishers of timeless Jewish classics, including Talmud
     * Jasob Aronson Inc. [23]
       Publishers of Judaica
     * Behrman House. [24]
       Behrman House is the leading publisher of Judaica and educational
       materials for Jewish religious schools in North America and in
       English-speaking countries around the world.
     * Ben-Simon Publications. [25]
       Publishes Jewish and family themed books.
     * CCAR Press. [26]
       Publishers of liturgical and reference material for the Reform
     * Feldheim Publishers. [27]
       "Bringing you the finest in Torah Literature for the Entire
     * Five Star Publications. [28]
       Various categories including kosher cookbooks, Holocaust memoirs,
       consumer-oriented (Profits of Death, an expose of the funeral
       industry) and children's books.
     * Jewish Lights Publishing. [29]
       Publishers of a large amount of contemporary Jewish thought and
       practice books, including Anita Diamont's stuff.
     * Jewish Publishing Society. [30]
       The oldest publisher of Jewish literature published in the English
       language. Since 1888, JPS has providing titles that further Jewish
       culture and education
     * Jonathan David Press.
       A New York-based nonfiction trade book publisher that specializes
       in sports, biography, reference, and popular Judaica. The parent
       corporation, Jonathan David Co., Inc., markets and distributes
       Jonathan David publications throughout the world. In addition, it
       issues Judaica Book Guide, a mail-order catalog offering the very
       best in Judaica from the lists of all publishers at bargain
     * Kehot Publishing. [32]
       The publishing arm of Chabad.
     * KTAV Publishing Company [33]
       Publisher of fine Jewish books and gifts, including prayer books,
       books for children and young adults, toys, games, school supplies
       and textbooks. KTAV also produces distinguished scholarly books on
       topics ranging from Biblical study to contemporary issues.
     * Milah Press. [34]
       Books on the holocaust, Hebrew language, and Zionism.
     * Pelican Publishing Company, Inc. [35]
       Publishes books of Jewish interest for all ages, including A
       Travel Guide to Jewish Europe, Passover Lite Kosher Cookbook,
       Kosher Cajun Cookbook, Kosher Creole Cookbook, Kosher
       Southern-Style Cookbook, Toby Belfer's Seder: A Passover Story
       Retold, Toby Belfer Never Had a Christmas Tree, and A Belfer Bar
     * The Reconstructionist Press.
       Publishing arm of the Reconstructionist movement. Publishes over
       fifty titles dealing with Reconstructionist philosophy, liturgy,
       education and current issues in daily Jewish life. The press also
       publishes and distributes the works of Mordecai M. Kaplan.
     * Schocken Books.
       A division of Random House, Schocken is well known for publishing
       scholarly books on a wide variety of Jewish subjects.
     * SHJ Press. [38]
       The publishing arm of the Society for Humanistic Judaism movement.
     * Soncino Press. [39]
       Publishers of Judaic classic books.
     * SoundWrite. [40]
       The publisher of Jewish music for a large number of contemporary
       Jewish artists, including Debbie Friedman, Julie Silver, Rabbi Joe
       Black, and others.
     * Targum Press. [41]
       A major publisher of Jewish books. A subsidiary of Feldheim
     * Torah Aura Productions. [42]
       Publishers of Jewish educational material.
     * Transcontinental Music. [43]
       The music publishing arm of the Reform Movement.
     * UAHC Press. [44]
       Publishers of a large amount of material dealing with the Reform
     * USCJ Bookstore. [45]
       USCJ is the publisher of books for the Conservative movement.

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